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Unpaid Service Credit or Contributions Bill(s)

Old Michigan red school house
Michigan Office of Retirement Services

Unpaid Service Credit or Contributions Bill(s)

Avoid Issues Related to Unpaid Service Credit or Contribution Bills

Having unpaid service credit or contribution bills through the retirement plan could affect your eligibility to retire or the amount you may receive in your pension.

Common issues we see related to paying off service credit or contribution bills include:

  • Not being aware the balance will not be paid off by retirement time.
  • Sending payments after terminating employment.

Tips to avoid these issues:

  • Check miAccount for your balance due.
  • Begin the final payment process with plenty of time to ensure payment will be received before your termination date. For example, plan-to-plan transfers can take more than a month.
  • If you are unsure whether you may have unpaid personal contributions, you can use the miAccount Message Board to find out if you have an unpaid balance.

Do you have questions about paying off a tax-deferred payment agreement before retirement? Watch this short e-learning module to learn about your options and how to avoid some common mistakes that could affect your retirement plans. 

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