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E-Learning Modules

Old Michigan red school house
Michigan Office of Retirement Services

E-Learning Modules

E-Learning Modules

Planning Your Retirement online presentations

Learn more about your retirement plan and pension when it's convenient for you anytime, anywhere. Read the e-learning module overviews below and select the ones of interest to you.

Click a link to jump to content located below.


Qualifying for Your Pension and Premium Subsidy

Running time: 3:00

When can you retire? If you qualify for your pension, does that mean you also qualify for the premium subsidy benefit when you retire? If you do have the premium subsidy benefit, what are some factors that could delay your insurance subsidy? This module answers these eligibility questions.

Pension Payment Options

Running time: 4:15

The Pension Payment Options module explores payment options, how survivor options work, and what happens to your pension if you die. Plus, you'll get tips to avoid the most common mistakes we see on pension election paperwork.

Download this handout as a quick reference.

Deferred vs. Early Reduced Retirement

Running time: 7:45

If you're between ages 55 and 60 and leaving public school employment, you might face a choice between taking an early reduced retirement or deferring your retirement until you meet age eligibility. Your choice could affect your eligibility for an insurance premium subsidy and when it may begin. View this module to learn more about these options.

Paying Off a TDP Agreement at Retirement

Running time: 4:21

Do you have questions about paying off a tax-deferred payment agreement before retirement? View this short module to learn about your options and how to avoid some common mistakes that could affect your retirement plans.

Summer Birthday Provision

Running time: 6:00

Is your birthday in July, August, or September? Do you want to know how that affects when you can you retire? View this short module to learn about the summer birthday provision.

Managing Your Retirement Account

Running time: 6:08

It's never too early or too late to start planning for your financial future. Get proactive and give your retirement account a regular check-up in our secure online tool, miAccount. Here's how you do it.