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2.04: The Employer Information website

2.04: The Employer Information website

The Employer Information website (which you are on now) requires no login. It provides information to help you report, including this Reporting Instruction Manual. On this website you'll find links to forms, contribution rate tables (upcoming, current and past), news regarding reporting, legislative updates, information for new employees, and reports used for compliance related to retirement reporting, such as the annual Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Report. The Michigan Public Schools Retirement Act (PA 300 of 1980, as amended) is available as a link on this site as well.

Employer Info home page

Here is an overview of the sections found on the left navigation bar on the Employer Information website as of August 6, 2021.

Employer Info Sections Explained
The content and organization of the Employer Information may change as ORS and reporting unit needs change. Contact ORS Employer Reporting  if you cannot find something, see a potential error, or have a suggestion for the Employer Information website.


Last updated: 03/18/2022