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Retirement Reform 2012

Retirement Reform 2012

Retirement Reform 2012

Active members: Legislation has passed affecting your retirement

Changes that affect your retirement plan were recently signed into law. The deadline to make your retiree healthcare election (for all members) and pension election (if you first worked before July 1, 2010) has passed. Retirement plan changes due to P.A. 300 of 2012 will take affect the first day of your pay period that begins on or after February 1, 2013, as reported to ORS.

Review your account. Log in to miAccount to review your retirement plan changes.

You can also find details about the 2012 Retirement Reform on the Reform Tools Overview page. Another helpful resource is Retirement Plan Changes for Public School Employees.

Inactive or deferred members: These changes may also affect you. Log in to miAccount to learn more.
Retired members: The legislation does not affect the amount of your pension payment.

Inactive or deferred members? See how the reform affects you.

Inactive or deferred members? See how the reform affects you.