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10.07.02: Processing the supplemental TDP agreement

10.07.02: Processing the supplemental TDP agreement

ORS advises your employees to bring the Supplemental TDP Agreement (R0654C) form to their payroll office for processing. To process the supplemental agreement:

  1. The employee must bring a completed supplemental tax-deferred payment (TDP) agreement form to you.
  2. Verify that the information is correct, and then approve and sign the agreement. Note: The original agreement number does not change.
  3. Fax a paper copy of the agreement to ORS at 517-284-4416.
  4. Locate the new revised total payroll deduction amount on line 5 of the supplemental agreement form. Update your system to begin withholding the revised total permanent payroll deduction (line 5) as of the date indicated (line 6).

Last updated: 04/07/2020