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8.03.04: How to complete the UAAL Remittance Advice Form for Universities (Non-Member/Non-ORP)

8.03.04: How to complete the UAAL Remittance Advice Form for Universities (Non-Member/Non-ORP)

When submitting payments for universities, use the R0411C_UniversityRemittanceAdvice to calculate and record payments remitted for unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL) contributions that universities owe on non-members/non-ORP employees.* Because the form now calculates required payment amounts for you, we recommend that you complete the form online before printing it.

To complete the UAAL Remittance Advice for Universities:

  1. Complete the first line of the form with your reporting unit information.
  2. Enter the non-member/non-ORP* wages for the pay period. Hit Enter or Tab.
  3. The amounts due for both pension UAAL and health UAAL are calculated based on the wages entered. (The total amount due is calculated for your records; neither ORS nor DTMB Financial Services uses this figure.)
  4. Make a payment for each amount, using the receipt type indicated on the form. Write down the Automated Clearing House (ACH) confirmation numbers. For more information, see section 8.03.02: How to make a payment.
  5. Enter the ACH confirmation numbers and the date paid for each amount on the form where indicated.
  6. Enter the total number of non-member/non-ORP employees where indicated.
  7. Complete the last two lines.
  8. Print and sign the form.
  9. Fax or email a scanned copy of the completed, signed form as directed at the bottom of the form.

*Non-member/non-ORP employees are individuals hired on or after Jan. 1, 1996 (excluding full-time faculty and full-time administrators), who would have been required to be a MPSERS member if not for the enactment of Public Act (PA) 272 of 1995. See PA 488 of 1996 for more information about this definition.

Last updated: 12/12/2014