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Fair Housing Trainings Registration and Recordings 2023
Fair Housing Training 2023 | Fair Housing Training Recordings/Quiz |
MSHDA Trainings 2023 | MSHDA Trainings 2023 |
You Can Protect Yourself – Knowing Your Rights as a Tenant Avoid fraud and other problems, habitability and repairs, domestic violence and stalking, security deposit, late fees, legal eviction process, Anti-Lockout Statute, and complaint process.
Knowing Your as a Tenant-YouTube You Can Protect Yourself - Knowing your Rights as a Tenant Quiz |
Steering in the Homebuying Process Examples of real estate agent steering on the homebuying process; regulations, caselaw, and theories of liability; identifying instances of steering; case studies; and effective remedies to address steering in the homebuying process. |
Fair Housing Rights for Rental Homeseekers The training will provide information from a rental housing perspective on what protections exist under fair housing laws with a brief overview of the laws and protected classes (including recent and proposed changes), an in-depth look at case trends as well as specific protections for persons with disabilities and families with children, and information on how fair housing complaints can be made, investigated, and potentially resolved. |
Fair Housing Rights for Rental Homeseekers - YouTube |
Reasonable Accommodations/Modifications 101 Fair housing laws requires that all people be treated equally. But when it comes to a person with a disability, it is critical that owners, managers, condo boards and Homeowners Associations are required to change and/or adjust their policy to allow the person to have full use and enjoyment of their living quarters. This training will cover common requests for accommodation, who pays for accommodation and modifications, as well as many examples positive outcomes. |
Reasonable Accommodation/Modification Quiz |
Tenants Rights This training is for anyone seeking to purchase a home. This training also assists real estate agents, mortgage originators, property owners, and others involved in selling residential homes. |
Criminal Background Screening (for housing providers) This training will focus on the federal law and examples of dos and don'ts in decision making during the screening process. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released guidance about how the Fair Housing Act applies to housing policies with regard to criminal background checks. |
Criminal Background ScreeningQuiz |
Source of Income – Overdue Protections for Voucher Holders and Purchasers with FHA and VA Loans This webinar is for tenants, as well as any groups or agencies that assist tenants. This webinar will also benefit municipalities considering to adopt source of income (SOI) protections or implementing ordinances that have SOI as a protected class. Finally, this webinar will assist housing providers involved in renting housing. |
Source of Income - Overdue Protections for Voucher Holders and Purchasers with FHA and VA Loans Quiz |
Fair Housing for Advocates Training | Fair Housing for Advocates Training YouTube |
Occupancy Standards This session will cover the guidelines governing occupancy standards in Michigan, local municipalities and the guidance of HUD. The fair housing laws allow housing providers to establish reasonable occupancy standards” THE BIG QUESTION IS – WHAT IS REASONABLE? |
Occupancy Standards Quiz |
Appraisal Discrimination Importance of home ownership; under valuation of homes in minority communities; racial bias driving a portion of the under valuation of homes; major laws applicable to appraisal discrimination cases; theories of liability applicable to appraisal discrimination cases (disparate treatment and disparate impact); addressing instances of residential appraisal discrimination; and importance of Tidewater Initiative and other Reconsideration of Value (ROV) policies and importance of addressing under evaluations prior to a loan decision. |
Appraisal Discrimination - YouTube |
National Origin Discrimination & Limited English Proficiency (LEP) This webinar is for tenants, as well as any groups or agencies that assist tenants. This webinar will also benefit municipalities considering adopting source of income (SOI) protections or implementing ordinances that have SOI as a protected class. Finally, this webinar will assist housing providers involved in renting housing. |
National Origin Discrimination & Limited English Proficiency (LEP) - YouTube National Origin Discrimination & Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Quiz |
Fair Housing for Advocates Training | Fair Housing for Advocates Training YouTube |
Fair Housing for Advocates Front-line staff working in community-based organizations have clients with housing problems, but rarely get any formal training on housing law. FHC will give the group a solid understanding of fair housing law, the role fair housing centers play in uncovering illegal discrimination, as well as outlining common scenarios that clients face. The goal is to help community-based advocates staff recognize the signs of housing discrimination and to make appropriate referrals for their clients. |
Fair Housing for Advocates Quiz
Criminal Background Screenings (for tenants) This training will provide fair housing guidance and resources that can assist in navigating barriers to finding housing for formerly incarcerated individuals as well as family members and professionals advocating for those impacted by the criminal legal system. Criminal background checks are often used as a screening criterion for rental housing to determine whether an applicant is qualified. |
Criminal Background Screenings (for Tenants) Quiz |
What You May Ask and May Not Ask - Permissible and Impermissible Inquiries of Prospective & Current Tenants |
Women's Issues In Fair Housing | Women's Issues In Fair Housing YouTube |
Women's Issues in Fair Housing This training covers fair housing and women. Topics will cover fair housing law as it pertains to survivors of domestic violence, sexual harassment by a landlord or neighbor, and discrimination against solo mothers with children. |
Applicant Inquiries: Permissible and Impermissible Inquiries of Prospective Tenants Prohibition on blanket inquiries; understanding of HUD's Regulation, 24 CFR 100.20(c), that addresses |
Fair Housing 101 for Rental Professionals The training will provide information on what constitutes housing discrimination, an overview of Fair Housing laws, the protected classes with case examples, specific protections for persons with disabilities, best practices for compliance, and emerging trends. |
Senior Housing (HOPA for Landlords) The Fair Housing Center will provide comprehensive training on the HOPA and the protected classes as well as specific protections for persons with disabilities and families with children. |
Senior Housing (HOPA for Landlords) Quiz |
Tenants' Rights and Responsibilities for Landlords The fair housing laws allow housing providers to establish reasonable occupancy standards” THE BIG |
Tenants Rights and Responsibilities for LandlordsQuiz |
Evictions - Fair Housing Claims & Eviction Proceedings Causes of evictions; correlation of evictions with protected class categories; housing affordability; fair housing violations underlying portion of eviction filings; preserving fair housing claims in eviction proceedings; and availability and standards for obtaining injunctive relief. |
Wrongful Evictions - Recognizing Fair Housing Violations Underlying Eviction Filings and How to Assert the Fair Housing Claims This webinar is for tenants and rental applicants, as well as for attorneys, property owners, and management companies. |
Senior Housing (HOPA for Tenants) FHC will cover the housing law, the role Fair Housing Center play in uncovering illegal discrimination. The goal is to help renters of senior housing and subsidized housing complexes recognize the signs of housing discrimination and understand their rights and responsibilities under fair housing law; and provide information on how fair housing complaints can be made, investigated, and potentially resolved. |
Senior Housing (HOPA for Tenants)Quiz |
Lending Discrimination Review of the residential mortgage lending process, including the various roles of the secondary market, mortgage brokers and private investors in residential mortgage lending; defining lending discrimination; review and analysis of laws that prohibit lending discrimination; discussion of legal theories (direct evidence, circumstantial evidence, and disparate impact) that apply to lending discrimination cases; prima facie elements applicable to various lending discrimination claims, and to redlining and reverse redlining claims; analysis of HMDA Reports and “loan level data” to identify potentially comparable loan files; analysis of comparable loan files; and conciliation/resolution of complaints of lending discrimination.
Mortgage Lending Discrimination – Nuts and Bolts in the Assembly of a Successful Discrimination Claim This webinar is for mortgage applicants, lenders, civil rights investigators and others seeking to learn more about recognizing mortgage lending discrimination and how to build a case of lending discrimination. |
Lending Discrimination - YouTube |
Fair Housing 201 for Rental Professionals This annual update training will provide a brief overview of Fair Housing laws & protections, information on the state of housing discrimination, Fair Housing laws update/application, Hot Topics (such as advertising, eligibility, disability protections, occupancy standards and more), and available tools & resources. |
Damages and Other Remedies in Fair Housing Cases This webinar is for victims of housing discrimination, as well as civil rights investigators, attorneys, and others who assist victims or potential victims of housing discrimination. This webinar is also informative for property owners, management companies, and insurance companies seeking to learn more about damages and other relief that can be obtained in fair housing cases. |
Damages and Other Remedies in Fair Housing Cases - YouTube |
Complaint Process and Remedies in Fair Housing Cases Importance of fair housing (policy of the U.S. to provide "for fair housing throughout the United States” 42 U.S.C. § 3601); emotional harm explicit or implicit in cases of housing discrimination; elements of damages (compensatory, including economic and non-economic damages, punitive damages, and civil fines; attorney fees; injunctive relief; forums for fair housing cases (administrative filings with HUD or the MDCR or federal or state court); and role of fair housing centers ("FHIP" organizations) in fair housing enforcement process. |
Fair Housing for Advocates Front-line staff working in community-based organizations have clients with housing problems, but rarely get any formal training on housing law. FHC will give the group a solid understanding of fair housing law, the role fair housing centers play in uncovering illegal discrimination, as well as outlining common scenarios that clients face. The goal is to help community-based advocates staff recognize the signs of housing discrimination and to make appropriate referrals for their clients.
Fair Housing for Advocates Quiz |
Tenant’s Rights and Responsibilities (for Landlords) This fair housing training will provide in-depth coverage of Federal and State Fair Housing Laws, address local ordinance protection and information on the state of housing discrimination. The training will provide information on what constitutes housing discrimination, the protected classes with case examples, specific protections for persons with disabilities, and best practices for compliance. |
MSHDA Tenants What is housing discrimination? How do I know if I am being denied housing because of my race, or because I have children? What are my rights to a reserved parking space if I have a disability? FHC will give tenants a solid understanding of fair housing law, the role fair housing centers play in uncovering illegal discrimination, as well as stories of fair housing victories. |
MSHDA Tenants Quiz MSHDA Tenants YouTube |
Senior Housing (HOPA for Landlords) The Fair Housing Center will provide comprehensive training on the HOPA and the protected classes as well as specific protections for persons with disabilities and families with children. |
Fair Housing 101 - In Person This fair housing training will provide an in-depth coverage of Federal and State Fair Housing Laws, address local ordinance protection and information on the state of housing discrimination. The training will provide information on what constitutes housing discrimination, the protected classes with case examples, specific protections for persons with disabilities, and best practices for compliance.
Fair Housing 101 Quiz |
Zoning and Land Use Exclusionary zoning and fair housing; challenges to zoning under disparate treatment and disparate impact theories of liability; HUD's regulations applicable to zoning and land use (24 CFR 100.70(a), (b), and (c)(4)-(5); HUD/DOJ Joint Statement, State and Local Land Use Laws and Practices and Application of the FHA (2016); and examples of common violations. Also, responsibilities of local building officials upon receipt of reasonable accommodation and modification requests related to local land use and zoning requirements. |
Reasonable Accommodations/Modifications for Tenants + Owners living under HOA Rules Fair housing law requires that all people be treated equal. But when it comes to a person with a disability, property owners, managers, condo boards and Homeowners Associations have to bend the rules. The training will cover common requests for accommodation, who pays for accommodation and modifications, as well as many examples positive outcomes.
Reasonable Accommodation/Modification YouTube Reasonable Accomodations/Modifications for Tenants Quiz |
Fair Housing Applies to Cities, Villages and Townships – Zoning & Land Us This webinar is for cities, villages, and townships (CVTs), and those employed or serving in offices on boards of CVTs, as well as those interacting with CVTs in matters involving zoning or land use issues and questions concerning This webinar is for cities, villages, and townships (CVTs), and those employed or serving in offices on boards of CVTs, as well as those interacting with CVTs in matters involving zoning or land use issues and questions concerning. |
Little Things Shouldn't Matter: Fair Housing & Familial Status Discrimination Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness (MCAH) and featuring staff from the Fair Housing Centers of West Michigan and Metropolitan Detroit This training will provide a brief introduction to fair housing laws, the protected classes and what is covered, signs of housing discrimination, and in-depth look at barriers impacting this population, throughout the home seeking experience and post-housing acquisition; it also includes information on referral and resolution of complaints. |
Disparate Impact and Why It Should Matter to Every Tenant Protected Class Categories Under Federal, State, and Local Laws. Two Main Theories of Liability: Disparate Treatment and Disparate Impact. What is “Disparate Impact” or “DI”? HUD’s 2013 DI Rule and the Supreme Court’s 2015 Decision in Texas Dept of Housing & Comm. Affairs v. The Inclusive Communities Project, Inc. |
Dsiparate Impact and Why It Should Matter to Every Tenant Quiz |
Tenants Rights and Responsibilities (for Tenants) - In Person The training will cover the Federal Fair Housing Acts as well as the State and Local Ordinances covering fair housing and provide information from a rental housing perspective on what protections exist under fair housing laws and protected classes (including recent and proposed changes), a brief overview of specific protections for persons with disabilities and families with children, and information on how fair housing complaints can be made, investigated, and potentially resolved.
Tenants Rights and Responsibilities (for Tenants) Quiz |
Fair Housing 201 This advanced training will provide information on 2022 guidance from HUD on the use of criminal records and fair housing barriers in advertising, screening, and harassment as well as barriers faced by gender, families with children and persons with disabilities. It is designed as a '201' level for rental housing professionals who are more experienced in fair housing, have completed introductory fair housing training, and are seeking advanced and updated information on fair housing including current cases, tools and best practices. |
Fair Housing Rights for Homebuyers This training will provide information on what fair housing protections exist for people who are looking to buy a home and get home loans, including a brief overview of the laws and protected classes; how fair housing applies to home sales and financing, and information on how fair housing complaints can be made, investigated, and potentially resolved. |
Fair Housing Rights for Homebuyers - YouTube |
Recognizing and Addressing the Undervaluation of Homes in Minority Communities - Combatting Appraisal Discrimination 1, Fair Housing Act’s Application to Municipal Zoning & Land Use; Section 804(a)’s prohibition against making housing “unavailable” due to protected class status; HUD/DOJ Joint Statement, State and Local Land Use Laws and Practices and Application of the Fair Housing Act (2016); Statement of the Department of Justice on the Land Use Provisions of RLUIPA with Questions and Answers (June 13, 2018); II. Exclusionary Zoning and Fair Housing; Challenges to zoning under disparate treatment and disparate impact theories of liability; Case studies; III. Reasonable Accommodations and Modifications; Responsibilities of local building officials upon receipt of reasonable accommodation and modification requests related to local land use and zoning requirements; Reasonable Accommodations; 24 CFR §100.204 – HUD Regulation on Reasonable Accommodations; Joint Statement of the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Justice, Reasonable Accommodations Under the Fair Housing Act (May 17, 2004); FHEO-2020-1, Assessing a Person’s Request to Have an Animal as a Reasonable Accommodation Under the Fair Housing Act (Jan. 28, 2020); DOJ Frequently Asked Questions About Service Animals and the ADA (July 20, 2015); Reasonable Modifications; 24 CFR § 100.203 - HUD Regulation on Reasonable Modifications of Existing Premises; Joint Statement of the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Justice, Reasonable Modifications Under the Fair Housing Act (Mar. 5, 2008) |