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Housing Readiness Incentive Grant Program

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Housing Readiness Incentive Grant Program

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The Housing Readiness Incentive Grant Program (“HRI program” or “program”) provides funding to eligible applicants to implement actions that encourage increasing housing supply and affordability.

The Housing Readiness Incentive Grant program has received an additional $2,325,000 effective October 1, 2024, 8:00 AM EST.

Eligible Activities

Eligible activities include costs associated with the adoption of land use policies, master plan updates, zoning text amendments, and similar actions to encourage increasing housing supply and affordability. Housing surveys, studies, or assessments are not eligible activities unless they are part of and result in adoption of land use policies, master plan updates, or zoning text amendments. The work may be performed by existing and/or contracted employees and/or third-party consultants. Up to 10 percent of the total grant requested may be used for administrative expenses. 

Eligible Applicants

Category A eligible applicants are cities, villages, and townships that do not have an Engaged, Essentials, and/or Certified designation from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation’s “Redevelopment Ready Communities” program.

Category B eligible applicants are counties; and cities, villages, and townships that have an Engaged, Essentials, and/or Certified designation from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation’s "Redevelopment Ready Communities" program.

Eligible applicants may only submit one application.

Funding Available & Maximum Grant Amount

$2,325,000 is allocated to the program, and will be available October 1, 2024, at 8:00 AM EST.

  • $1,325,000 was available in Category A.
  • $1,000,000 was available in Category B.

FY 2025 HRI Fund Commitments as of 12/30/2024

Category A Total

Category B Total


Total Awarded
Remaining in HRI Fund


The maximum grant amount per award is $50,000. Match and/or leverage funds are not required. Up to two disbursements are available per grant. The first may be an advance upon MSHDA’s receipt of an executed contract, to support the proposed activities; the second will be a reimbursement upon completion of the proposed activities.

Grant Rounds & Review

Applications will be reviewed and awarded in the order in which they are received.

Please see the and list for awarded grantees Housing Readiness Incentive Grant Program Communities.

Grant Term

Grants will have an initial term of 24 months, beginning on the date the grant was awarded.

Register Now for the HRI Application Portal

The Housing Readiness Incentive (HRI) grant online application portal is hosted on software called IGX. To access the application, the applicant must first have an active IGX profile. It can take up to 48 hours for a profile to be approved in the IGX system. An applicant does not have to wait for the application launch to register in IGX.

The Authorized Official creates the IGX profile through a System Access Request. An Authorized Official is the designated person with the authority to make commitments and enter into contracts on behalf of the organization and will sign the grant agreement.

Councils of government, universities, and for-profit and not-for-profit entities are among the organizations that are ineligible to apply.


HRI Frequently Asked Questions
For questions, email