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MVAA's 2021 Annual Report: Michigan veterans continue leaning on us


Despite the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic last year, the MVAA - in partnership with Gov. Whitmer's Office and our many stakeholders - made steady gains in serving veterans and their families.

Lean on Us. It's our slogan, and there is ample evidence that veterans did just that in 2021.

The technicians in our Michigan Veteran Resource Service Center (MVRSC) handled 26,205 cases for veterans and their dependents in fiscal year 2021 (FY21) - the most cases we've ever handled in a single year.

Further, MVRSC technicians made 2,721 referrals for veterans and their dependents to Veteran Service Officers (VSOs) across the state - a 24% increase from the previous year.

In addition, our Michigan Veterans Trust Fund approved 426 applications for $1.3 million in emergency grant assistance. That's a 26% increase in emergency aid from the year prior and an average of more than $3,000 per grant recipient.

To counter COVID, we got creative. Among our efforts, we created two food voucher programs for veterans and their families, hosted veteran care package events in several locations around Michigan and joined with the Michigan National Guard to provide COVID-19 vaccine clinics for veterans.

These successes and many more are spelled out in our 2021 Annual Report. For more information about the services we provide, call us at 1-800-MICH-VET (1-800-642-4838).