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Income Tax

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Income Tax

Income tax identity theft occurs when a fraudster files a federal or state income tax return in your name so that they can receive your refund.

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Income Tax

Contact the Federal Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Contact the Federal Internal Revenue Service (IRS) online or by calling 800-908-4490.

File an Identity Theft Affidavit with the IRS.

The Identity Theft Affidavit can be completed and then mailed or faxed directly to the IRS. 

The Identity Theft Affidavit can also be filed with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) electronically. The FTC will then electronically file it with the IRS on your behalf.

You should file a police report. Take along: ID, proof of your address, and proof of theft. You will be provided with a copy.

Police departments are required to take your report under MCL 762.10C and MCL 780.754A.

Contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to report identity theft and to obtain a recovery plan. Include as many details as possible.

Make it more difficult for a fraudster to obtain credit in your name. By contacting just one of the three credit reporting agencies (CRAs), the other two will be notified of your fraud alert request. 

Online: Equifax online fraud alert request form (PDF)
Call: 800-525-6285 or 888-766-0008
Write: P.O. Box 740256, Atlanta, GA 30374

Online: Experian online fraud alert request form
Call: 888-397-3742
Write: P.O. Box 4500, Allen, TX 75013

Online: TransUnion online fraud alert request form
Call: 800-680-7289
Write: P.O. Box 2000, Chester, PA 19016

You must request from all three credit reporting agencies: 

Equifax:  Equifax security/credit freeze request form

Experian:  Experian security/credit freeze request form

TransUnion:  TransUnion security/credit freeze request form