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Duty Disability

You may be eligible for a duty disability pension if you can no longer work due to an illness or injury resulting from your state police employment. A pension may be payable starting the day you successfully complete recruit training, regardless of how long you've been employed.


To qualify for a duty disability, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You subscribed to the constitutional oath of office.
  • You don't meet the service requirements for a full retirement.
  • A medical review team certifies the disability to the Michigan Office of Retirement Services (ORS) and director of the state police.
  • ORS rules the disability is duty related.

Disability determination

To qualify for a duty disability pension, a medical review team must determine that you are totally and permanently unable to perform your duties as a state police officer.


If you are approved for a duty disability pension, the pension amount is 60% of your final average compensation (FAC). Your FAC is calculated using the last 2 years of service (YOS) immediately preceding the date your disability occurred.

Your annual duty disability pension, in combination with weekly workers' compensation, cannot exceed the average annual salary of your last 2 YOS with the state police. If you are in receipt of workers’ compensation at the time you retire, or later begin to receive workers’ compensation, you must contact ORS and report the amount so that your benefit can be properly adjusted if needed. If it is discovered at any time that you are on workers’ compensation and, in combination with your annual duty disability pension, have exceeded the average annual salary of your last 2 YOS with the state police, your pension will be adjusted retroactive to the date you began receiving workers’ compensation.

Medical reexaminations

You may be required to have a medical examination periodically. If the medical examination determines that you are no longer disabled, the director of the Department of State Police may return you to active duty. If you fail to return to employment following the order, you will forfeit all rights to a retirement benefit unless you are otherwise eligible to retire.

To apply

Request a Disability Retirement Application (R0044H) packet from ORS.