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Full Retirement / Straight Life
Your full retirement pension calculation begins by determining your straight life option amount. Every calculation for other payment options (survivor, equated, early reduced) begins with a calculation of your straight life pension.
The following describes straight life calculations for regular state employees, covered employees responsible for the care and supervision of prisoners, and conservation officers.
Straight Life Option/Regular
If you choose the straight life option, you receive the maximum monthly pension payable throughout your lifetime. No ongoing pension payments or insurance are provided to your survivors.
Calculate your annual straight life pension by multiplying your final average compensation (FAC) times your years of service (YOS) credit times 1.5% (0.015). Divide the product by 12 to calculate your monthly straight life pension.
Additional notes about the straight life option.
- If you are married and choose a straight life option, your spouse must waive their right to your pension by signing the form in the presence of a notary public.
- Your spouse and other eligible dependents can enroll in state-sponsored insurance plans during your lifetime whether you choose the straight life or a survivor option.
- No monthly pension payments or insurance benefits will continue to any beneficiary upon your death if you choose a straight life option.
- You can name one refund beneficiary to receive a refund of personal contributions and interest remaining on account (from service prior to 1974, after March 31, 2012, or any service credit purchases and interest), if any, when you die. Go to Beneficiary/Death Benefits for more information.
Straight Life Option/Covered Employees
If you choose the straight life option, you receive the maximum monthly pension payable throughout your lifetime. No ongoing pension payments or insurance are provided to your survivors.
As a covered employee responsible for the care and supervision of prisoners, you qualify to receive a supplemental pension in addition to your straight life benefit until age 62. First figure your straight life pension using the Straight Life/Regular formula, then add it to your supplemental pension calculation.
Your supplemental pension is calculated as follows: Multiply your FAC times 0.5% (0.005) times your covered YOS.
After you calculate your straight life pension, you can go on to figure your pension under any of the survivor options. Note, however, that the supplemental portion of your pension is for your lifetime only and cannot be transferred to a survivor.
An employee in a covered position who retires under the early reduced retirement plan cannot also receive the supplemental pension.
Please also see Additional rules about the straight life option under Straight Life Option/Regular.
Straight Life Option/Conservation Officers
If you choose the straight life option, you receive the maximum monthly pension payable throughout your lifetime. No ongoing pension payments or insurance are provided to your survivors.
The annual straight life calculation for a conservation officer is 60% (0.6) of the two-year FAC.
After you calculate your straight life pension, you can go on to figure your pension under any of the survivor options and the equated plans. Because conservation officers qualify under special eligibility rules, you cannot choose the early reduced retirement.
Please also see Additional rules about the straight life option under Straight Life Option/Regular.