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Other Governmental



You may purchase up to 5 years of service rendered as a full-time employee with a Michigan city, county, township, or village; another state government; or the federal government. (Also see Act 88 - Reciprocal Retirement Act)


  • Only full-time employment can be purchased.
  • Your former employer(s) must certify your service.
  • You cannot purchase more than 10 years total from any combination of universal buy-in, parental leave, or other governmental service.
  • If you are eligible to receive any employer contributions made on your behalf to a 401(k) or other qualified retirement plan, you cannot purchase the service unless you have relinquished all rights to the employer contributions.
  • If you have received any employer contributions made on your behalf to a 401(k) or other qualified retirement plan, you cannot purchase the service.
  • Distributions, transfers, or refunds are not considered a relinquishment.
  • This service cannot be used to satisfy vesting requirements.
  • You must be a contributing member of the Defined Benefit (DB) Plan to initiate a purchase.
  • City, county, township, or village of Michigan: If at any point in time you accumulated enough service credit to qualify for a pension based on this service, you cannot purchase the service.
  • Other state or federal government: If at any point in time you accumulated enough service credit to qualify for a pension based on this service, you cannot purchase the service unless you have relinquished all rights to the pension benefit.


Your cost is an actuarial percentage that is based on your age and earned years of service multiplied by your highest previous fiscal year (Oct. 1 through Sept. 30) wages.


You and your previous employer must complete an Other Governmental Employment Service Application (R0127G) form. Follow the directions provided on the form. For more information on how to purchase service credit, see How to Purchase Service Credit.