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How long does it take for my correspondence to show on your system?

Allow up to 8 weeks for your response to be imaged into our computer system. Before it is imaged, the Michigan Department of Treasury has no way to track whether or not your response was received.

Note: Sending by certified or registered mail will delay the processing of your information

You may check the status of your response using eServices

Click on the above link and follow these steps:

  1.  Select "more" on the “Inquiries” option
  2.  Then select “Inquire about Other Topics”
  3.  You will be asked to enter the following information for security reasons:
    • Primary filer’s Social Security number
    • Primary filer’s last name
    • Tax year
    • Filing status
    • Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)/Total Household Resources (THR)
      • If your AGI is a negative number, enter "-" after the number.  Example: 1045-