About the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Project
Michigan's Petition for Membership in the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement and Michigan's Certificate of Compliance were posted to the Michigan Department of Treasury website as of January 31, 2005, and were filed with the Co-Chairs of the Streamlined Sales Tax Implementing States on January 31, 2005. On July 31, 2020, the State Treasurer submitted the following documents to the executive director of the Streamlined Sales Tax Governing Board: Michigan's re-certification letter, a revised Taxability Matrix, and the revised Certificate of Compliance.
- The most current version of Michigan’s Taxability Matrix can be found at http://sst.streamlinedsalestax.org/otm/.
- Click on the tab for Michigan to view, print or download the Taxability Matrix.
- The most current version of Michigan’s Certificate of Compliance can be found at http://sst.streamlinedsalestax.org/coc/.
- Click on the tab for Michigan to view, print or download the Certificate of Compliance.