Should I use the standard or alternate method to calculate my home heating credit?
Calculate the credit using both methods. Use the method that gives you the larger credit. The alternate method may calculate to a larger credit than using the standard method.
You may be eligible to use the Standard method if:
- You resided in Michigan for any amount of time in the year of claim. You will need to prorate the standard allowance for the time you resided in Michigan if it is less than 12 months.
- You are claiming heat costs for your Michigan home, not a vacation home or a commercial account.
- Your total household resources level falls within the limits for this credit found in Table A.
You are NOT eligible to calculate the credit using the Alternate method if:
- You were not a Michigan resident for a full 12 months for the year of the claim.
- Your heating costs were included in your rent at the time you filed your claim.
- You are claiming heat costs for your vacation home or a commercial account.
- If you are a claimant filing on behalf of a taxpayer who died during the tax year.
- Your total household resources level exceeds the limits for this credit found in Table B.