General: I'm no longer in business. How do I cancel my account?
A request to cancel your account must be made, in writing, within 15 days from the date of discontinuance. Form 4460, IFTA Request for Cancellation of Account is available on our website. Failure to submit a cancellation request timely will result in your account remaining active and quarterly tax returns due or estimated tax bills being issued.
Department policy requires all decals either be destroyed by you or retained for 4 years for auditing purposes. You may send unused decals back to the department if they are still valid for the current year. If decals are being destroyed by you, Form 2824, Statement Claiming Lost, Destroyed, Undelivered or Stolen State of Michigan IFTA Fuel Decal(s) MUST be submitted so your IFTA account licensing information can be updated. You are responsible for filing all tax returns that are due prior to the date your account has been cancelled.