Certified Service Provider (CSP) Testing and Approval
Thank you for your interest in the Michigan Department of Treasury's (Treasury) Streamlined Sales Tax (SST) Electronic Filing (e-file) Program for SST Simplified Electronic Returns (SER).
Additional information about SST is available in the Michigan Streamlined Sales Tax Guide (will be published at a later date) and on the SST Governing Board Web site.
Streamlined Sales Tax - Submit Test Returns
CSPs participating in Michigan's SST Program must complete end-to-end testing using an SER and receive approval before transmitting production returns. For a complete definition of transmitting and developing XML transmissions, please refer to the SST Implementation Guide which can be downloaded from the SST Governing Board Web site.
Michigan's end-to-end testing consists of two scenarios based on Michigan's test deck. After testing and receiving final approval on the test deck, CSPs will use this process to submit a file of SERs for their clients. The SER file uploaded must meet the requirements defined at www.streamlinedsalestax.org. Submit Return #1 and Return #2 including the Financial Transaction Record using the ACH debit payment method. When software does not support an ACH debit transaction, the ACH credit method must be used.
- Test #1 (SER with ACH Debit)
- Test #2 (SER with ACH Debit including penalty and interest)
An Accepted acknowledgement confirms successful submission of the test file. The test file submission is reviewed and an e-mail advising of your acceptance into the Michigan SST program will be sent one to two business days after submitting the test file to Treasury.
If you are interested in becoming a new Certified Service Provider please email Treasury at mi_streamlinedsalestax@michigan.gov.
Streamlined Sales Tax - Submit Production Returns
Certified Service Providers (CSP) may use this process to submit an SER file for their clients. The SER file uploaded must meet the requirements defined by the SST Governing Board and Treasury.
If you are interested in becoming a new Certified Service Provider please email Treasury at mi_streamlinedsalestax@michigan.gov.