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Individual Income Tax eServices FAQ

What options can I access by creating an account through the Individual Income Tax (IIT) eService?

Creating an account allows you access to the Account Services portal on the IIT eService. On the dashboard, you can authenticate each tax year by answering questions from your tax return. Once completed, you have access to the following services:

  • Return details: received date, processing status, and refund status.
  • Estimated payment details: due dates, payment amounts, and received dates.
  • Update your address.
  • View and respond to letters that Treasury has sent to you.
  • Inquiries: submit new questions, check the status of previous inquiries, and access Treasury's responses.

Can I file an individual income tax return through the IIT eService?

Currently there is no option for filing a tax return through the IIT eService.

Can I use my Michigan Treasury Online (MTO) log in information to log into the IIT eService?

No. If you would like to set up an Individual Income Tax account, you will need to sign up with new login information.

What is a General Inquiry?

General inquiries should be limited to questions that are not related to a specific tax account or issue. Account specific questions sent to Treasury through the general inquiry option will not be answered.

What is an Account Specific Inquiry?

An account specific inquiry pertains to a particular tax account. When selecting an account specific topic inquiry, you will need to provide details about the tax account and yourself so Treasury can verify that you are authorized to receive information. The type of account specific inquiry you can make differs by tax type but there is always an "other" option.

How long will it take to receive a response to an inquiry?

A response will be available within 7 business days of submitting any inquiry. You will receive an email notification when a response is available on the IIT eService. However, you may check the status of an inquiry at any time by clicking "View Response", then entering the service request number and associated email address.

Can I attach a file or a copy of a document to an inquiry?

At this time, you cannot attach files to any inquiry unless you are responding to a letter sent to you by Treasury through the Account Services portal.

Can I edit an inquiry after I submit it?

No. Once any inquiry is submitted, you are not able to edit the information that has been submitted. If you need to edit or change the information, you must submit another inquiry.

What can I do if MiLogin Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) wants to send a code to my old cell phone or email address? 

You will need to contact Treasury to have this updated. You can submit a request through the Inquiries option and click “Inquire about Other Topics”. Please include the old cell phone/email address, along with the new information. Please include your MiLogin ID. Do not include your password.

What can I do if MiLogin is asking if I want to merge my User ID?

If you have previously authenticated with IIT Account Services, you must use the User ID on file with Treasury. Merging the previously authenticated User ID to a new ID will cause you to receive “No Match Found! Try Again!”. If you merge this account in error, you will need to contact Treasury to have this updated. You can submit a request through the Inquiries option and click “Inquire about Other Topics”. Please include all MiLogin User IDs in question, along with the User ID you wish to use going forward. Do not include your password.

What happens if I lock myself out?

If you enter inaccurate information three times, you will be temporarily locked out. Please take time to verify your information and try again after 24 hours.

I received the error "No match found!", what should I do?

This error indicates that you have entered a combination of account information or service request record details that does not match a record in our system. This can include your AGI, filing status, social security number, among other things. Verify the accuracy of the information you entered and try again or check your MiLogin profile information to ensure that is matches how you file with Treasury. For example, if you file with a middle initial, this initial must be included in the MiLogin profile. 

Access your MiLogin profile by clicking on your name in the upper-right corner and choosing "Go to My MiLogin Profile." From here you can update your:

  • Name—most commonly to add or remove the middle initial,
  •  email,
  • phone number,


  • password.

What do I do if I get an error but there are no details?

Make note of the error code and description and contact us at 517-636-4486. Providing that information to the Customer Service representative that you speak to will expedite the process to get you back on track.

How can I find the Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) or Total Household Resources (THR) of the primary filer, and what should I do if I cannot locate it?

The AGI or THR can be found on your Individual Income Tax Return MI-1040. When prompted to enter this information, there is a Helpful Hint that will display a copy of the return and highlights where to find the AGI or THR. If you do not have the AGI or THR, you can contact your tax professional for assistance or find the information on the return you filed for the year in question. You will not be able to proceed with the inquiry without this information.

Can I access and perform the indicated services on the Guest Service portal through the Individual Income Tax (IIT) eService if I am a service provider?

No. You will not be able to access your client's account through the IIT eService for Account Services. You can ask questions about your client's account through the Tax Professional eService using the Guest Services portal options. If you would like to calculate estimated penalty and interest, use Treasury’s Penalty and Interest calculator.

How do I access a TIF (.tif) file?


You should already have the capabilities to open TIF files. By default, version Windows 7 (and higher) associates TIF files with Windows Photo Viewer. Therefore, you can directly open and view the letter file. If you have another graphics program installed on your computer it may change this default association, but only if that secondary graphics program also supports TIF files.

Regardless of your configuration, you can open TIF files just by double-clicking it in File Explorer:

  1. Open File Explorer by selecting it from your taskbar, the Start menu, or pressing the Windows logo key and E on your keyboard.
  2. Locate the TIF file within File Explorer.
  3. Double-click the TIF file to open it in the associated program. If you prefer to select a different program, right-click the file, select "Open With" and select your preferred program. By default, Windows Photo Viewer and Paint both support TIF files.

Mac OS

You should already have the capabilities to open TIF files. By default, Mac OS X associates TIF files with the Preview App. Therefore, you can directly open and view the letter file. If you have another graphics program installed on your computer it may change this default association, but only if that secondary graphics program also supports TIF files.

Regardless of your configuration, you can open TIF files just by double-clicking it in Finder:

  1. Open Finder (you can find this in your Dock).
  2. Navigate to the TIF file.
  3. Double-click the TIF file to open it in the associated program. If you prefer to select a different program, right-click the file, point to "Open With" and select your preferred program. By default, the Preview App supports TIF files.