Disclosure Notice for Exempt Purchasers Pursuant to the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Revenue Equalization Act
NOTICE TO PURCHASERS: The Michigan Department of Treasury is bound by the Michigan Revenue Act, MCL 205.28(1)(f) to keep tax returns and tax return information confidential. If you make an exempt purchase from a qualified seller, registered to make sales and remit sales and use taxes pursuant to the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Revenue Equalization Act MCL 205.171 et seq., your personally identifiable information collected by the seller will be forwarded to the Department of Treasury. The Department of Treasury will safeguard your personally identifiable information in the same manner as it protects tax returns and tax return information under the Michigan Revenue Act, MCL 205.28(1)(f). The Department will keep your personally identifiable information for no more than four years. You have the right to access your personally identifiable information, as well as the right to correct inaccurately recorded data per MCL 205.827(6). To access your personally identifiable information, contact the Michigan Treasury Disclosure Officer at 430 West Allegan Street, Lansing, Michigan 48922. Additionally, a person other than the purchaser may seek to discover your personally identifiable information. MCL 205.827(10). If such a request is made, the Department will make a reasonable effort to notify you of this request.