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What are the State of Michigan individual income tax filing requirements?

You must file a Michigan return if you file a federal return or your income exceeds your Michigan exemption allowance. A return must be filed even if you do not owe Michigan tax.

To download current and prior year Michigan individual income tax forms select Individual Income Tax

  • Select the tax year link desired to display the list of forms available to download.

Or, you may make a request for booklets using self-service.

Click on the above line and follow these steps:

  1. Select the "Inquiries" options
  2. Then select "Inquire about General Topics"
  3. You will need to enter the following:
  • Primary filer's last name
  • Primary filer's first name
  • Enter address in "inquiry details box" along with what forms are being requested (EX. MI-1040 booklet 2021)
  • Enter email address

Or, forms may be requested by writing to:

Michigan Department of Treasury
Customer Contact Section
P.O. Box 30058
Lansing MI 48909

Note: Allow up to 8 weeks for your mail request to be processed.

Your inquiry should include your full name, complete current mailing address, daytime phone number, Social Security number, tax type and tax year.

Forms obtained using either option above may be used to file your Michigan individual income tax returns.

The filing due date is April 15 .