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What if I misplaced or never received my letter?

You may request a copy of your letter using self-service.

Click on the above link and follow these steps:

  1. Select the “Inquiries” option
  2. Then select “Inquire about Other Topics”
  3. You will be asked to enter the following information for security reasons:
    • Primary filer’s Social Security number
    • Primary filer’s last name
    • Tax year
    • Filing status
    • Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)/Total Household Resources (THR)
      • If your AGI is a negative number, enter "-" after the number. Example: 1045-

You can also use Account Services to view and respond to letters online

  1. Log into MILogin
  2. Select year you would like to review
  3. Select "My Letters"
  4. Access letter by selecting the "View/Download Document" icon (if the file does not automatically open, look at the bottom of the screen for the download file)
  5. To respond to the letter online, select the "respond" button on right-hand side
    1. You may enter a message to accompany the documents
    2. The upload document(s) must be PDF and TIFF files and be under 1MB
    3. Select "Category Type" from options given
    4. Select "Next"
    5. Verify Information
    6. Select "Submit"

Note: When you create a MILogin account, you are only required to answer the verification questions one time for each tax year. If you have previously established a MILogin account you may use the same username and password for multiple state-agency access (Treasury, Secretary of State, Unemployment/UIA).