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Sales Tax Rate and Discount Multiplier by State

Important Information

  • Tax rates under 4% are not eligible for a discount.
  • Michigan collects the smaller of the sales tax based on Michigan law, and the sales tax based on the customer's home state's laws. Any additional amount owed, would be due to the customer's home state.
  • For vehicles registered in Virginia, tax paid must be greater than or equal to $75.

Form Instructions

Form 485: Instructions for Michigan Vehicle Dealers Collecting Sales Tax from Buyers Who Will Register and Title Their Vehicle in Another State or Country

Form 5086: Instructions for 2023 Vehicle Dealer Supplemental Schedule


State Vehicle Sales Tax Rate Discount Multiplier
Alabama 2.00% N/A
Arizona 5.60% 0.7143
California 7.25% 0.6667
Colorado 2.90% N/A
Connecticut 6.35% 0.6667
Florida 6.00% 0.6667
Hawaii 4.00% 1.0000
Idaho 6.00% 0.6667
Illinois 6.25% 0.6667
Indiana 7.00% 0.6667
Iowa 5.00% 0.8000
Kansas 6.50% 0.6667
Kentucky 6.00% 0.6667
Louisiana 4.45% 0.8989
Maine 5.50% 0.7273
Massachusetts 6.25% 0.6667
Michigan 6.00% 0.6667
Minnesota 6.88% 0.6667
Missouri 4.225% 0.9467
Nevada 6.85% 0.6667
New Jersey 6.625% 0.6667
New York 4.00% 1.0000
North Dakota 5.00% 0.8000
Ohio 5.75% 0.6957
Pennsylvania 6.00% 0.6667
Rhode Island 7.00% 0.6667
Tennessee 7.00% 0.6667
Texas 6.25% 0.6667
Utah 4.85% 0.8247
Vermont 6.00% 0.6667
Virginia 4.15% ($75.00 minimum for vehicles) 0.9639
Washington 6.50% 0.6667
Wisconsin 5.00% 0.8000
Wyoming 4.00% 1.0000