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Michigan Local Documents

2024 Library of Michigan For The Public Government Information Local Michigan Documents Hero
Library Of Michigan

Michigan Local Documents

Local documents in the Library of Michigan's collections.

Though considerly smaller than state and federal governments, local governments publish materials such as charters, codes and ordinances, planning and zoning reports, demographic data, etc. of significant value to residents and business owners within those communities.  Local governments also often publish information related to significant events, community anniversaries and local recreation that serve as a source for historical and biographical information about the community and its residents.  

Collecting Regional, Local, and Tribal Government Information

Local documents within the Library of Michigan's Law and Michigan collections.

Michigan local documents are generally included in the Law and Michigan collections and are best discovered through the Library's catalog, ANSWER.

LM is actively seeking materials that will bolster this element within its collections and welcomes any opportunity to acquire Michigan local government publications.  To donate, contact the library at 517-335-1477 or

Locating Regional, Local, and Tribal Government Information

In addition to the discovery tools on the Government Information page, use these links to find current local government information online.

State Programs and Services for Local Governments

In addition to the discovery tools on the Government Information page, use these links to find current local government information online.