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How to Contact and Submit Titles to the Michigan Notable Books Program

Thank you for your interest in Michigan Notable Books!

Every year up to 20 books highlighting Michigan People, Places, and Events are awarded a place on the Michigan Notable Books list.

To be considered for selection, books must:

  • Be either about or set in Michigan or the Great Lakes (with a Michigan focus) or written by a Michiganian (current or previous resident),
  • Be of high quality in research and writing, and have strong current interest or wide audience appeal,
  • Be reflective of Michigan's diverse ethnic, historical, literary, and cultural experience.
  • Revised editions and updates of previously published works are not eligible.
  • Be published in the calendar year prior to the award year (2025) and must be copyrighted the year under consideration (2024). For example, a book with a copyright date of 2024 can only be considered during the 2025 award year.
  • Be received early enough for complete review by the committee prior to the last meeting in the first week of December. Early submission is encouraged. Due to the amount of time necessary to consider each title, the Committee may not have sufficient time to review books received in November and December. Advance review copies and electronic/PDF copies will be accepted.

There are no additional requirements, application fees, or other restrictions for submissions, nominations, or recommendations to the selection committee. All genres are accepted from non-fiction to fiction, from children to adult titles. Any publisher, author, or interested person who wishes to submit books or titles for review is encouraged to do so. There is no limit on the number of titles accepted from any one publisher or author, save that no pre-publication manuscripts will be accepted unless the book is published before the end of the year. Submission does not guarantee a place on the awards list.

Please make every effort to ensure that we get your book for review as early as possible, so that the committee has a chance of reviewing books thoroughly before the final meeting in early December. ARCS can be reviewed if the book will be published before the end of December. Contact Michigan Notable Books for more information about this issue.

An email and a letter will be sent to notify the authors and publishers of any book selected for the awards, probably in early to mid-December. All others will need to check the website beginning in mid-December.

Please submit books for consideration or at minimum, the title, author and publication information to:

Michigan Notable Books Coordinator
Library of Michigan
702 W. Kalamazoo St.
Butler Street Loading Dock
Lansing, MI 48915
or or 517-335-1477

If possible, include several review copies (6-10 copies) to facilitate review for selection. Unless otherwise requested, the Library of Michigan may add some review copies to its collection. Only publishers and authors awarded a place on the list will be notified of the results. Please note that authors selected for the awards will be invited to submit an autographed copy of their winning book to the Governor's Residence Library.

The Michigan Notable Books award program is promoted statewide to all Michigan public libraries and booksellers, which are encouraged to highlight the selections throughout the year. The publicity often leads to increased book sales, requests for author appearances, and book signings. When possible, grant-funded author tours to libraries in the state are funded.

If you have further questions, please feel free to email us or call 517-335-1477. There are lists viewable on the Web site of previous years' selections.

See this year's and previous years' Michigan Notable Books lists.


DISCLAIMER: The Library of Michigan is pleased to accept your submission to the Michigan Notable Books program. All review copies become the property of the Library, and unless otherwise notified, the library will dispose of the books to other libraries, schools, or cultural institutions if possible. Some books may have one to two copies added to the Michigan Collection. Materials added to the Library will be integrated into the collection and standard circulation procedures will be followed. No special shelves or sections shall be designated for any added copies. When materials are damaged or extra copies no longer needed, they will be discarded in the same manner as other withdrawn Library materials.

If you do not wish your submission to be handled in this manner please contact us by email or by phoning (517) 335-1477 during the Library's business hours, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. If we do not hear from you within 10 days of the submission, we will handle the material as indicated.

Library of Michigan

Thanks for your consideration!


Updated 12/30/2024