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Other Purchasing Preferences

Bio-based Products Sourced in Michigan Preference

Michigan Based Firms and Clean Corporate Citizens Preference

If consistent with federal statutes, in all purchases made by the department, all other things being equal, preference shall be given to products manufactured or services offered by Michigan-based firms or by facilities with respect to which the operator is designated as a clean corporate citizen under part 14 of the natural resources and environmental protection act. (Full legislative text: MCL 18.1261)

Reciprocal Preference

A reciprocal preference to a Michigan business against an out-of-state business is allowed for purchases exceeding $100,000 and if not inconsistent with federal statutes. Under this provision, a Michigan bidder is preferred in the same manner in which the out-of-state bidder would be preferred in its home state. To claim this preference a bidder must certify to being a Michigan business and must authorize the Department of Treasury to release information necessary to verify the entitlement. A business that purposefully or willfully submits a false certification is guilty of a felony, punishable by a fine of not less than $25,000. (Full legislative text: MCL 18.1268)