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Retention and Disposal Schedules

Retention and Disposal Schedules

Retention & Disposal Schedules identify all of the records that are maintained by government agencies, regardless of format. Schedules define how long records need to be retained to satisfy administrative, fiscal, legal and historical requirements, and they specify if/when records can be destroyed. Local government schedules are approved by an agency, Records Management Services, Archives of Michigan, and the State Administrative Board. Approved schedules provide the only legal authority to destroy public records.

Agency-Specific Schedules

Agency-specific schedules cover records that are unique to a particular agency, and are not covered by an approved general schedule.

Frequently Asked Questions about General Schedules

Information about general schedules for state agencies and local governments.

General Schedules for Local Government

General Schedules cover records that are common to a particular function or type of agency. Electronic copies are available for viewing and printing.