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Cybersecurity Resource Hub

Person on laptop.
Department of Technology, Management and Budget

Cybersecurity Resource Hub

Technology has evolved over the years and has become an integral part of daily life. It is important that Michigan residents have awareness on the subject to equip themselves with the knowledge to stay vigilant in protecting themselves on the web.

Developed for you, the Cybersecurity Resource Hub contains cybersecurity information, resources, and training to provide you with knowledge on staying safe in the digital ecosystem.

Open laptop.

Why Cybersecurity Matters

Learn about the importance of cybersecurity in the digital age. Gain knowledge of common cyber threats and cyber hygiene practices to protect against attacks.

Why Cybersecurity Matters
Open laptop.


Explore various cybersecurity resources compiled with you in mind. Resources specific to students, parents, senior citizens, and businesses are also available.
Completing cybersecurity training.


Coming soon.

Tip of the Month

It is important to continue to have strong cybersecurity practices when traveling to avoid falling victim to a cyberattack. Before you go, make sure your devices have the latest software updates and are backed up. During your trip, turn off auto connecting to wireless networks or Bluetooth devices, as the auto connection can open the door for bad actors to remotely access your device. Before connecting to any hotspot, verify the name of the network with appropriate staff to make sure it is legitimate, avoid sensitive activities that require passwords or credit card numbers, and only use sites that begin with "https://". Prevent theft or loss of personal information by guarding your device and never leaving it unattended in a public place.