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Records Management Training

Note: online training can be taken at any time by clicking on the class name below, and do not require pre-registration.

Fundamental Records Management Training: Core curriculum for understanding the records management responsibilities of government employees.

  • Basic Records Management: This online class defines the different types of records and explains how Retention and Disposal Schedules assist and protect Michigan government agencies. This class will help all government employees comply with their records management responsibilities. (32 minutes) (class handout)
  • How to Manage Records: This online class describes best practices for managing paper and electronic recordkeeping systems. The target audience is employees with responsibilities for managing centralized recordkeeping systems. However, many employees will benefit from the tips that are provided. (44 minutes) (class handout)
  • Records Management for Managers and Supervisors: This online class explains the records management responsibilities of managers and supervisors. (38 minutes) (class handout) (toolkit)

Single-Topic Records Management Training: Short classes (30 minutes or less) that focus on a specific recordkeeping topic.

Training Requests: DTMB Records Management Services can provide training about records management requirements and best practices to statewide professional groups representing local government employees. Other groups are encouraged to utilize the online training published on this website. Submit a Training Request.

Updated 2/14/2023