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Securing Your Organization Cybersecurity Framework

The Securing Your Organization framework points organizations in the right direction to moving their cybersecurity efforts into a full-blown, well-organized program.

The Securing Your Organization framework includes 13 items divided into three levels. As the journey starts with some easier items and gets more detailed as you move along, all organizations should start at Level 1 and complete the tasks in that level before beginning Level 2 or 3.

Remember that improving your cybersecurity posture is an ongoing commitment. Keep track of which level you are on to measure progress and share within your organization.

 Level 1  Level 2  Level 3

    Adopt the CIS Controls/ Essential Practices Guide

    Conduct Simple Self-Assessment

    Basic Cybersecurity Awareness Training for Staff

    Join up for MS-ISAC

    Join Michigan Cyber Partners


    Make Improvements Based on Simple Self-Assessment

    Prepare for a Cybersecurity Incident

    Conduct a More Formal Assessment

    Attend Annual Statewide Cyber Briefing


    Annual Formal Cyber Assessment

    Make Measurable Improvements

    Host Internal Cyber Incident Tabletop

    Provide Internship Opportunities

As a companion to the bullet point framework, a full Securing Your Organization Resource Guide is available with details and links to resources.