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State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP)


Our nation faces unprecedented cybersecurity risks, including increasingly sophisticated adversaries, widespread vulnerabilities in commonly used hardware and software, and broad dependencies on networked technologies for the day-to-day operation of critical infrastructure. Cyber risk management is further complicated by the ability of malicious actors to operate remotely, linkages between cyber and physical systems, and the difficulty of reducing vulnerabilities.

The State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP) is administered by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). The SLCGP is a reimbursable pass-through grant program with an overall goal to improve the cybersecurity posture of state, local and territorial (SLT) government organizations by providing assistance for managing and reducing systemic cyber risk through the following objectives:  

Objective 1: Develop and establish appropriate governance structures, including developing, implementing, or revising cybersecurity plans, to improve capabilities to respond to cybersecurity incidents and ensure continuity of operations. 

Objective 2: Understand their current cybersecurity posture and areas for improvement based on continuous testing, evaluation, and structured assessments. 

Objective 3: Implement security protections commensurate with risk.

Objective 4: Ensure organization personnel are appropriately trained in cybersecurity, commensurate with responsibility.

In Michigan, the SLCGP is administered by the Department of Technology, Management & Budget Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection division and the Michigan State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program Advisory Board established on October 19, 2022. 

SLCGP Grant Lifecycle 1st Year FY2022: 2023, 2024, 2025, Sept. 30, 2026; 2nd Year FY2023: 2024, 2025, 2026, Sept. 30, 2027; 3rd Year FY2024: 2025, 2026, 2027, Sept. 30, 2028; 4th Year FY2025: 2026, 2027, 2028, Sept. 30, 2029 


The State of Michigan was awarded a $4.7M grant for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2022.  These grant funds are on hold and will be released when Investment Justification Forms are submitted to and approved by DHS | FEMA.  The State of Michigan will receive $9.6M in FFY 2023 which provides opportunities for more investments in cyber risk reduction and sub-granting to SLT’s for projects approved in the Cybersecurity Plan.  SLCGP funds Michigan’s Cybersecurity Plan.

On August 4, 2023, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approved the State of Michigan Cybersecurity Plan, submitted by the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program Advisory Board.  

State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP) FY2022 Projects

The following projects have been approved by the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program Advisory Board and will be implemented using SLCGP funding. Current project funding is on hold and will be released when Investment Justifications are submitted to and approved by DHS | FEMA.

Eligible entities that participated and completed the requirements will go through a review and scoring process for awards of the SLCGP FY2022 funds. Submissions for awards of the FY2022 grant funds are now closed. Please contact if you have questions regarding FY2022 grant funds.

  • Procure and distribute advanced EDR licensing and services to local entities.

  • Provide access to cybersecurity assessments for local and rural entities utilizing established MiDEAL Security Assessment Vendors.

State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP) FY2023 Projects

The FY2023 SLCGP application period has expired. No additional submissions will be accepted.

Eligible entities that submitted 557 applications for FY2023 funds by the Dec. 30, 2024, deadline will go through a review and scoring process for awards.

The FY2023 SLCGP funding awards timeline is detailed below.

Action Date(s)
Application scoring and review process Jan. 1-31, 2025*
Formal notification to subrecipients of FY2023 award Feb. 1-28, 2025*
FY2023 SLCGP grant agreements sent to subrecipients March 1-31, 2025*
FY2023 subrecipient education and training activities April 2025 - Until completed
Anticipated period of performance and spend for subrecipients (estimated) May 2025 - Sept. 30, 2027

*All processes will continue until they are completed. Dates are subject to change.

Participants are encouraged to sign up to receive automated information on the progress and status of the FY2023 SLCGP funding using the form at the bottom of this page.

Application Scoring and Review Process

All applications submitted will be reviewed to ensure they meet the requirements included in the funding announcement. SLCGP applications will be awarded points by the review committee and awarded points automatically based on the applicant's selected response.

  • 45 points will be awarded by the review committee on the applications based on:
    • Adequacy
    • Reasonableness
    • Effectiveness
  • 42 points will be automatically awarded based on the participant's selection on the application form:
    • Project Prioritization - Up to 16 points
    • Rural vs. Non-rural - 15 points
    • Previously Funded - 5 points for entities not funded with FY2022 funds
    • Identified Need in Assessment - 6 points
  • 87 total points for all seven criteria listed above

Please contact if you have any questions regarding the FY2023 grant funds.

  • Where jurisdictions can receive funding to purchase backup software, cloud services, backup servers, storage devices, or other services that support the recovery and reconstitution of entity backup data.
  • Where jurisdictions can receive funding to purchase an independent cybersecurity assessment or penetration testing for the organization using existing MiDEAL negotiated contractors or another contracted vendor following the organization's established procurement policies and within grant performance and spend time frames.
  • Where jurisdictions can receive funding to purchase subscriptions for cybersecurity awareness training for employees to better understand cyber threats, best practices, incident response, compliance, and policies.
  • Where jurisdictions can receive funding to purchase professional cybersecurity training for those responsible for mitigation risk and maintaining resiliency in the organization's environment.
  • Where jurisdictions can receive funding to purchase subscriptions for EDR/MDR/XDR licensing vendor selected utilizing entities established procurement policies and grant performance and spend period time frames.
  • Where jurisdictions can receive funding to pay managed service providers for cybersecurity services that mitigate risk, improve cyber resiliency, and perform cybersecurity work where an organization does not have onsite staff to support.
  • Where jurisdictions can receive funding to pay for services that support the migration of the organization's domain to a .gov domain. Managed service provider (MSP) services to pay support vendors to perform migration tasks to a .gov domain.
  • Where jurisdictions can receive funding to purchase authentication devices, MFA software, or other systems/hardware supporting MFA, such as identity and access management (IAM) systems.

State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP) FY2024 Projects

The Michigan State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program Advisory Board submitted an application for its allocation of SLCGP Grant Year 3 FY2024 funds.

Michigan's estimated award for FY2024 SLCGP grant funding is:

  • Federal award: ~7,303,610
  • 30% match: ~2,191,083
  • Total project funding: ~9,494,693*

*Total project funding is estimated and is subject to change.

Eligible applicants will be able to apply for FY2024 projects when they have been identified and approved by the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program Advisory Board.

The FY2024 SLCGP application period and opening dates will be announced later this year. Announcements and additional SLCGP information will be sent automatically using the distribution list sign up at the bottom of this page.

To learn more about the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program, visit our SLCGP Background page.

For questions or input, please contact

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