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Geographic Information Standards

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Department of Technology, Management and Budget

Geographic Information Standards

Creation of the Department of Information Technology EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 2001 - 3

Geographic Framework Documentation

Geographic Framework Documentation are applied to all themes with the framework in order to assist efficient data integration



Geographic Metadata

Geographic metadata provides information about the quality, currentness, consistency, and appropriate usage of digital mapped datasets

What is metadata?

Basically, it consists of information that characterizes data. It answers the who, what, when, where, why, and how about every facet of the data that is documented. The Center for Geographic Information adheres to a content standard that was established by the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC). This standard provides a common set of terminology and definitions for the documentation of digital geospatial (geographic) data.

Geographic Metadata Standards

Federal Geographic Data Committee Standards The FGDC develops geospatial data standards for implementing the NSDI, in consultation and cooperation with State, local, and tribal governments, the private sector and academic community, and, to the extent feasible, the international community.

Related Links

Frequently-asked questions on FGDC metadata


Geographic Referencing

What is Geographic Referencing?

All geographic data, by definition, has some sort of geographic referencing to help identify its location in the world. There are many possible means of describing your location. Some of these include georeferenced coordinates (such as latitude/longitude), coordinates whose relationship to the earth is not known (such as some survey data), linear referencing (such as street addresses and mile markers), more general land referencing (such as tier/range/section in the Public Land Survey System) and indirect positional references (such as distance and direction descriptions from know markers in the field - [30' west of the "old oak tree"]). Geographic referencing standards help define common ways to collect and reference data. This in turn provides a more effective way to share information collected by different agencies. The standards in this section are current referencing standards in use by the state.

Geographic Referencing

Establishing and Modifying PRs, Mile Points and Point IDs
PR's refer to continuous linear roadway segments in the transportation system or to the numbers that represent them or to the idealized graphic lines in a GIS system that represent them.


USPS Abbreviations
Lists of state, street suffix, and secondary unit designators.