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Membership Fees

The current fee structure is a flat rate annual fee ranging from $180 to $510, depending on population or organization type. The membership period for non-educational institutions is based on a calendar year (January-December), and the membership period for educational institutions is based an academic year (July-June). 

Contact us with questions at or by phone at 517-388-4558. Once your organization receives an invoice from the MiDEAL staff, payment can be made online at this site: 

MiDEAL Annual Fees

Organization Type Fee
Cities, Townships, Villages & Counties, population 1-10,000 $180
Cities, Townships, Villages & Counties, population 10,001-50,000 $230
Cities, Townships, Villages & Counties, population 50,001-100,000 $270
Cities, Townships, Villages & Counties, population 100,001-150,000 $360
Cities, Townships, Villages & Counties, population 150,001-200,000 $435
Cities, Townships, Villages & Counties, population 200,001 and above $510
Colleges and Universities $270
School Districts $180
Non-profit Hospitals $180
Other $180

MiDEAL is funded through member fees, and in some cases through contract administration fees. Membership fees cover operating costs, staff time, web management, etc.