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Michigan Statewide Authoritative Imagery & LiDAR Program

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Department of Technology, Management and Budget

Michigan Statewide Authoritative Imagery & LiDAR Program

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The Michigan Statewide Authoritative Imagery & LiDAR (MiSAIL) program continues to evolve. Partnership opportunities for imagery and LiDAR are available and includes aerial photography partners have access to the Michigan Imagery Solution (MIS), a State of Michigan managed secure imagery viewing service.

Additional services are available including oblique and satellite imagery.  Please see the MiSAIL Program Services Synopsis document for more information and links to the contracts
Program Overview

CSS Imagery Acquisition

If your organization is interested in partnering on this exciting opportunity to make ortho imagery and LiDAR acquisition more affordable, contact Ulrika Zay at the information below. 

Ulrika Zay

(517) 242-2027