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Remediation and risk management webinar series

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE is excited to host the Remediation and Risk Management Series. This webinar series is dedicated to helping environmental professionals stay informed about issues and trends that affect remediation and risk management efforts. EGLE will regularly host a webinar that will tackle a topic of interest to environmental professionals and others interested in environmental remediation and risk management. Each webinar will include a presentation by a diverse selection of environmental professionals and allow time for questions from attendees.

More webinars will be added throughout the year.

Each webinar qualifies for 1 CEH/PH.

Upcoming webinars in this series:

Stay tuned for future webinars! 

Recorded webinars in this series:

Investigative Approach for Petroleum Volatilization to the Indoor Air Pathway (VIAP) Training  (recorded 9/03/24, 89min)
The Investigative Approach for Petroleum VIAP is one of seven volumes that will make up a Guidebook that will eventually update and replace the May 2013 EGLE Guidance Document for the Vapor Intrusion Pathway. The Investigative Approach for Petroleum VIAP is a concise process for the evaluation and screening process at petroleum release sites. Attachments are included to provide more information and details when needed based on site conditions.

Some highlights of this document include:

  • Identifies the 3 site conditions where risks from petroleum vapor intrusion have the greatest potential:
  •  NAPL entering or being close to a structure.
  • Clarifies the use and where to begin the measurement of the lateral inclusion zone – EGLE RRD will be using NAPL and contaminated groundwater; not soil above screening levels absent of NAPL.
  • Discusses the use of soil gas data for showing compliance with criteria/screening levels and risk evaluation.
  • Outlines the data needs for when a property/structure screens in and needs evaluation.
  • Identifies and discusses the need to evaluate conduits when a petroleum vapor source has entered into it.

This new guidance has been released as an electronic resource on RRD’s Vapor Intrusion webpage with the ability to download a hard copy. This webpage was developed to promote a clear and concise way to provide a consistent and informed approach for EGLE for the volatilization to the indoor air pathway using most up to date science.

Overview of Exposure Barriers for the Direct Contact Pathway under Part 201 (recorded 5/29/24, 88min)

The Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), Remediation and Redevelopment Division (RRD) has issued guidance for the minimum requirements of a direct contact exposure barrier after the determination is made that an exposure barrier is necessary under Part 201, Environmental Remediation, to mitigate or prevent exposure through the soil direct contact pathway. Exposure Barriers for the Direct Contact Pathway – Design, Documentation, and Management Guidance Under Part 201 provides guidance on typical design considerations and the minimum requirements when relying on different exposure barrier types, including non-structural (e.g., soil, gravel, or rock) and structural (e.g., building floors, foundations, asphalt, and concrete). It also outlines the documentation, inspection, maintenance, and monitoring requirements when submitting information to the department upon request or for approval. Staff from EGLE-RRD will provide an overview of the use and application of this guidance document.

Increasing Diffusive Mass Flux Rates During In-Situ Groundwater Remediation (recorded 5/07/24, 59min)
Join us for a discussion and explanation of the challenges of remediation of contaminants in clay, saprolite, or glacial till soils. Methods and a case study will be presented to demonstrate how to address these challenges using both chemistry and field implementation methods. Injection with the full understanding of the site geology/hydrogeology provides an opportunity to overcome diffusion limitations existent at low permeability sites with clay dominant lithology or fractured rock. Through injection lense verification techniques, clients have been able to verify the transect of unidentified preferential pathways and connected pockets of residual mass and achieve more rapid remediation results. This eyes-wide-open approach reduces the decades long time scale of remediation to less than a few years.

Human Health Risk and How We Assess It (recorded 3/07/24, 64min)
Risk assessments are an important part of the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s Remediation and Redevelopment Division’s (RRD) role in implementing the Part 201 and Part 213 environmental contamination response programs and protecting Michigan’s public health and environment. This session will focus mostly on the human health risk assessment process and principles behind developing and applying cleanup criteria. The presenters will be Grace Kuan of RRD’s Toxicology Unit and Erica Bays of RRD’s Compliance and Enforcement Section. 

Petroleum NAPL: Characterization, Remediation, and Management (recorded 11/28/23, 60min)
The Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, Remediation and Redevelopment Division has updated and reorganized its guidance for the characterization, remediation, and management of petroleum non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPL) in June 2023. This webinar will highlight the changes made to the document, discuss the organization of the document, and discuss the multiple lines of evidence table that has been provided to assist in the organization of the data.

Twenty Years in the Field - Updates to Hawaii’s DU-MIS Guidance (recorded 10/26/23, 61min)
Roger Brewer, with Hawaii’s Department of Health, Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response Office (HDOH-HEER), will present an overview of the recent updates to Sections 3 and 4 the HDOH-HEER Technical Guidance Manual (TGM). The updates focus on the use of “Decision Unit (DU)” and “Multi Increment® Sample” investigation methods (DU-MIS) for characterizing environmental media. (Multi Increment is a registered trademark of EnviroStat, Inc.). For over 20 years, Hawaii has successfully used the DU-MIS method to investigate sites of environmental contamination. The TGM is a compendium of Hawaii’s knowledge and experience with this method. Updates to the TGM consist of a series of short Fact Sheets, a general overview of the Site Investigation DU-MIS investigation process, and a series of appendices on focused topics. Topics reviewed in the appendices include:

  • Conceptual Site Models.
  • Theory of Sampling basics.
  • DU-MIS Case Studies.
  • DU-MIS for surface soils, subsurface soils, sediment, excavations, stockpiles and VOCs.
  • Tips on field implementation.
  • Laboratory processing and testing.
  • Data quality review.
  • Use and misuse of existing discrete sampled data; and
  • DU-MIS methods under TSCA.

Microplastics: Risk Management, Removal, and Source Reduction (recorded 6/08/23, 57min)
Microplastics have become a global environmental problem due to their abundance, poor biodegradability, toxicological properties, and negative biological effects on aquatic and terrestrial organisms, including humans. Plastic debris enters the aquatic environment via direct dumping or uncontrolled land-based sources and degrades into secondary microplastics, the most abundant type in the environment. Various sources such as tire wear, artificial turf, fertilizers, and land applied biosolids contaminate the terrestrial environment. Removal of microplastics from the environment can be extremely challenging. During this session, the presenter will discuss various sources of microplastics and their fate and transport, human health impacts, source reduction methodologies, and technological challenges.

Speaker: Mala C. Hettiarachchi, PhD, PE
Mala C. Hettiarachchi, PhD, PE is a Senior Engineer at Environmental Resources Group and an Assistant Professor (part-time) at Wayne State University.

Inactive Landfill Initiative: Impact of PFAS & 1,4-Dioxane On Drinking Water Sources (recorded 4/27/23, 56min)
An emerging contaminant investigation in New York State is focused on addressing critical drinking water contamination concerns associated with PFAS compounds and 1,4-dixoane from more than 1,900 inactive landfills. During this session, the presenter will explain a unique ranking system developed to prioritize landfills for site characterization, present data trends in groundwater samples collected at the landfills and in drinking water from downgradient receptors. Additionally, the presenter will discuss challenges overcome during program implementation including agency evolution on PFAS compounds, the scale and concurrent nature of the multifaceted investigation, and management approach to support a statewide emerging contaminant program.

Petroleum Vapor Intrusion – Updates to the Lateral Inclusion Zone Checklist and Vertical Separation Distance Checklist (recorded 2/23/23, 56min)

Petroleum vapor intrusion (PVI) is the process by which hydrocarbons volatilize from petroleum-contaminated soils, groundwater, and light nonaqueous phase liquids and migrate through the vadose zone. EGLE has determined the Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) PVI guidance document provides a suitable process for a petroleum vapor intrusion assessment for the volatilization to indoor air pathway (VIAP) pursuant to relevant statutory provisions. To assist in the use of the site screening process using soil and groundwater data, the department has developed a Precluding Factors Assessment for the ITRC Lateral Inclusion Zone Checklist and a Precluding Factors Assessment for ITRC PVI Separation Distances Checklist. RRD staff will use these checklists when reviewing submittals that propose to rely on the ITRC PVI lateral and/or vertical separation distances. Join EGLE-RRD to hear updates to the PVI checklist and the application at sites with petroleum releases.

Groundwater Modeling for Non-Modelers – Application and Case Studies (recorded 1/19/23, 61min)
Groundwater models are often useful tools in the environmental and hydrogeology fields. Groundwater modeling is a specialized skill, and a December 2021 Remediation and Risk Management Series webinar provided the basics of groundwater modeling for non-modelers. This webinar builds on that foundational understanding to highlight example modeling applications and step through real-life groundwater modeling case studies. This webinar was developed in collaboration with Barr Engineering Co. and the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy to provide a look into groundwater modeling applications from both the consulting and regulatory perspectives.

Integrating Sustainable Resilient Remediation into Projects (recorded 7/18/22, 60min) - Recording temporarily unavailable
Globally, we’re feeling the effects of climate change, rapid urbanization, and loss of biodiversity. Sustainability considerations and green remediation practices (GSR) have been supported by the remediation industry at all stages in the remedy lifecycle since the early 2010s, however they have not always been strongly embraced. Evolution of the topic to incorporate resilience as a consideration under sustainability and to highlight the importance of Environmental Justice has resulted in an updated Sustainable Resilient Remediation (SRR) perspective. This perspective can be integrated into project planning using a framework included in the recent ITRC SRR guidance. The presentation will cover SRR, an integrated approach based on a tiered framework, give examples of innovative technologies to achieve measurable SRR outcomes, and discuss the importance of communication in integrating sustainability and expanding perspectives.
Presenters:  Jessica Gattenby, Stephanie Fiorenza

Possible zero waste solutions for the remediation of PFAS – An overview of emerging onsite destruction technologies (recorded 5/17/22, 59min) - Recording temporarily unavailable
PFAS are recalcitrant by nature and can be costly to remediate using traditional treatment strategies. These strategies typically lack an effective waste management strategy.   In recent years, industry and research entities have made strides in developing new and innovative approaches to destroying PFAS onsite rather than having to dispose of high concentration waste at offsite treatment and/or disposal facilities. In this presentation, attendees will be provided an overview of these emerging technologies for the onsite destruction of PFAS waste streams that when incorporated into the primary treatment process/train have the potential to provide a zero ”waste” outcome.
Presenter: Jason Lagowski, CPG

Mr. Lagowski has 32 years of professional experience as a geologist/hydrogeologist conducting and managing contaminated site projects that involved the collection, interpretation and reporting of impacts to human health and the environment in the US, Canada and Australia.  His experience covers impacts to soil, groundwater, surface water, sediment and air emissions across a variety of both public and private sector markets. Mr. Lagowski specialized in the application of accelerated site characterization techniques while conducting site assessment activities. In addition, Jason has more than seven (7) years of experience conducting and managing contaminated site projects where PFAS was an emerging contaminant of concern. His experience includes the collection and interpretation of data on the distribution of PFAS in the environment, as well as development of remedial strategies and technologies to mitigate any risks to applicable receptors. PFAS projects have included international and regional airports, defense sites, rural fire training facilities, paper mills and landfill sites.

Smarter EHS to Manage Business Risk: A Digital Approach to Efficient Data Management (recorded 3/24/22, 59min)  - Recording temporarily unavailable
We're discussing the power of data connectivity and an ecosystem approach for value creation and unlocking the potential of your data. Environmental Health and Safety data is highly valuable as it forms the foundation of decision making and risk management. Accurate data is the key to maintaining compliance and making smart, informed decisions. With the rise of Environmental, Social, and Governance framework, transparency of data is even more valuable. Various levels of digital maturity exist in how we collect, manage, track, interpret, visualize, and report data. Because data is often siloed in separate systems, a connected EHS data strategy has the power to substantially transform the value of your data. Connecting data from various systems and sources across assets, people and facilities results in significant efficiency and productivity gains. During our presentation, we will discuss digital maturity and how to transform and connect potentially siloed data sets into one truth across all of your data sources and systems.

Presenter: Vel "Sube" Subramanian is a GHD Principal and a team leader of our U.S. National Air Practice and is a registered professional engineer in the State of Michigan. He provides air and environmental compliance consulting services to automotive, general manufacturing, oil and gas, energy, plastic products manufacturing, foundries, food processing, metal parts manufacturing, coating, and electroplating industries in the areas of air quality and regulatory compliance. Sube has conducted multi-media environmental compliance audits for over 200 facilities across the country. His air permitting experience includes New Source Review Permits (NSR), Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD), synthetic minor and Title V air permits. He provides consulting services in carbon reduction strategies including establishing GHG baseline emissions, identifying and implementing reduction targets for industrial & manufacturing, oil & gas and automotive clients. Sube provides consulting and advisory services for Environmental Management Information Systems (EMIS) selection and implementation. He has also designed and developed Emission Tracking System Software (ETS) widely used in process industries and other automotive manufacturing industries to manage air compliance requirements.

Improving PFAS Site Characterization through Emerging Technologies (recorded 1/12/22, 65min)  - Recording temporarily unavailable
Current analytical methodologies for measuring PFAS in the environment have led to a series of compromises in terms of sensitivity, selectivity, and capturing the whole PFAS picture. As the investigation and treatment of sites contaminated with PFAS matures, there is a growing interest in determining the contributions of different sources to the overall contamination and understanding the true mass of PFAS present. Conventional methods can measure a discrete list of compounds on the order of 70+ PFAS analytes with sensitivity in the part per trillion range. Many additional PFAS are not determined as discrete compounds due to the lack of analytical reference standards. There are methods which aim to capture additional non-discrete PFAS mass such as the Total Oxidizable Precursor (TOP) Assay and Adsorbable Organofluorine (AOF) by combustion ion chromatography (CIC), each with their own set of compromises. We can take the analytical process one step further with the inclusion of Non-Target Analysis (NTA). We can expand upon the results from the previously mentioned methods to identify what the PFAS "dark matter" is comprised of and what we might be missing with all three of these commercial approaches.

Presenter: Taryn McKnight, PFAS Practice Leader for Eurofins Environment Testing America, has nearly 20 years of experience in the environmental testing industry specializing in PFAS and Vapor Intrusion assessments. With 20 years invested in PFAS method development and analysis, Eurofins has demonstrated leadership in this field of testing, bringing cutting edge analytical techniques to the forefront and supporting an analytical approach that provides consistent and defensible data.

Groundwater Modeling for Non-Modelers (recorded 12/02/21, 59 min) - Recording temporarily unavailable
Groundwater models are often useful tools in the environmental and hydrogeology fields. Groundwater modeling is a specialized skill, and this webinar will provide the basics of groundwater modeling for non-modelers to better understand what a "groundwater model" means, when (and when not!) to use a groundwater model, data needed to build a groundwater model, what important questions to ask when reviewing a groundwater model, and how groundwater models can be responsibly applied to problems of environmental compliance. This webinar was developed in collaboration with Barr Engineering Co. and the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy to provide a look into groundwater modeling from both the consulting and regulatory perspectives.

Presenters: Katy Lindstrom, Barr Engineering and Chris Christensen, EGLE Remediation and Redevelopment Division

Katy Lindstrom is a senior environmental engineer at Barr Engineering Co. and has over 13 years of experience in environmental consulting. She obtained her master's degree in Hydrologic Science and Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines and uses her background in hydrogeology and groundwater modeling to help clients assess and remediate contaminated sites, achieve environmental compliance, and address groundwater management issues.

Chris Christensen is an Environmental Hydrogeologist with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy, Remediation and Redevelopment Division, in Grand Rapids since 1992. Chris works on both Leaking Underground Storage Tank sites as well as chlorinated solvent and surficial soil contamination sites. He is on Technical Teams related to Incremental Sampling, Non Aqueous Phase Liquids, Risk-based Corrective Action and Groundwater Modeling. Chris has a BS in Geology from Michigan State University and a MS in Hydrogeology from Western Michigan University.

Rapid and Effective Characterization of Building Susceptibility to Vapor Intrusion with Building Pressure Control (recorded 10/28/21, 61 min) - Recording temporarily unavailable
Building pressure control (BPC) offers a means of quickly characterizing building susceptibility to vapor intrusion (VI), reducing uncertainties caused by spatial and temporal variability of indoor air data and strengthening risk management decisions. BPC uses blower doors to depressurize buildings to various levels, enhancing VI, and then pressurize buildings, inhibiting VI, while concurrently measuring indoor air contaminant concentrations and physical parameters like cross-slab and cross-building pressure differentials. The difference between contaminant concentrations measured under depressurized and pressurized conditions represents the vapor intrusion contribution to indoor air. The depressurized conditions created by BPC minimize the need for multi-season sampling to address temporal variability in indoor air concentrations; indoor air concentrations measured under depressurized conditions vary substantially less than indoor air concentrations measured under baseline conditions.

This presentation focuses on how physical and chemical data collected through BPC at sites can be used to characterize the range of potential impacts that may arise from VI under the typical operating (baseline) conditions of the building. The second part of the presentation will include how the technique was adapted to work within Michigan's regulatory framework through the development of a standard operating procedure (SOP).

Presenter: Bryan VanDuinen, P.E.(MI) and Theresa Gabris, P.G. (VA), Geosyntec

EPA's National and Regional Actions to Address PFAS (recorded 9/29/21, 61 min) - Recording temporarily unavailable
EPA's core mission is to protect human health and the environment by ensuring Americans have clean air, clean water, and safe healthy land. Addressing PFAS chemicals is at the heart of these efforts. Please join this month's webinar series to hear about EPA's most recent actions to address PFAS nationally and within the Great Lakes Region. Actions covered will include regulatory development, research, laboratory method development and activities in the Great Lakes Region.
Presenter: Kim Harris, Region 5 Multi-Media PFAS Advisor, USEPA-Region 5/Water Division

PFAS in Stormwater: Treatability and Implications of Emerging Water Quality Standards for Stormwater Dischargers (recorded 7/29/21, 61 min) - Recording temporarily unavailable
This presentation provides an update on the state-of-the-practice for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in urban and industrial stormwater, including its abundances, its treatability and implications for source control, and implications for industrial and municipal stormwater dischargers. A summary of available Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council PFAS guidance is provided with a focus on the state of the science/practice, a summary of what we know (occurrence, fate, transport and toxicology of some PFAS), what we want to know (the same for more PFAS, performance of conventional natural/passive stormwater treatment best management practices (BMP), potential for new treatment methods), and what we don't know (assessment of alternatives to PFAS, the long-term community and ecosystem effects, or the effectiveness of source controls at industrial facilities). A State of Michigan perspective will also be provided, detailing how the Michigan PFAS Action Response Team is leading initiatives to help manage risks from PFAS in stormwater.

The session includes lessons learned from Geosyntec's recent PFAS stormwater source control and treatment projects.  In addition to applied research, our team has identified source controls and pilot testing or BMP planning at multiple confidential sites with PFAS-impacted stormwater. 

Acute Vapor Hazards from Petroleum Releases under Part 213 in Michigan (recorded 6/24/2021, 121 min) - Recording temporarily unavailable
Michigan's leaking underground storage tank regulation (Part 213) requires that upon confirmation of a release from an underground storage tank system a person must identify and mitigate acute vapor hazards (Section 21307).  To address this, EGLE has prepared an addendum to the 2013 Vapor Intrusion Guidance Document on how to identify acute vapor hazards. The addendum provides information for persons required to address releases under Part 213 regarding the identification, investigation, and evaluation that EGLE will find acceptable to satisfy the requirements consistent with Section 21307.

This talk will review the recent addendum that discusses the requirements and outlines the process that allows a party to:

  1. identify acute vapor hazards,
  2. assesses the need to mitigate using representative vapor sampling data, and
  3. establish a successful demonstration that mitigation is not warranted.

Case studies will be presented as well as a discussion on EGLE reviews and when the reviews occur as part of the Part 213 audit process.

Michigan PFAS Action Response Team Update (recorded 5/27/2021, 62 min) - Recording temporarily unavailable

Join us to find out the latest news on the many PFAS investigations and research being done in Michigan for this emerging contaminant. Since the creation of the Michigan PFAS Action Response Team (MPART) in 2017, Michigan has collected and analyzed samples from 160+ PFAS sites, all of the municipal drinking water supplies in the state, biosolids, municipal waste water, landfills, crops, surface water, and fish and wildlife.

Attendees should expect to hear about MPART's collaborative efforts to address PFAS using a multi-agency team to investigate and work towards solutions.  This collaborative effort has not only focused the work of 7 different departments but has also created opportunities for collaboration with citizen groups, industry, and other governmental agencies outside of Michigan. The new MPART Executive Director will discuss the teams efforts on a variety of topics.

Presenter: Abigail Hendershott, Executive Director, Michigan PFAS Action Response Team - Abigail (Abby) Hendershott is a nearly 30-year veteran of the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). She currently heads up the state's multi-agency taskforce investigating PFAS contamination and implementing clean-up and other response activities aimed at protecting Michigander's drinking water. Hendershott has focused on PFAS response activities since 2017 and led the team responsible for Michigan's largest PFAS contamination response to-date, the investigation into the former Wolverine Worldwide tannery in Rockford. In that role, her team was responsible for the legal settlement establishing clean-up plans and municipal water connections for thousands of residents in northern Kent County with a total cost of $113 million.

Hendershott also advises on statewide PFAS investigations as the leader of the MPART groundwater workgroup and as a key member of the MPART technical advisory committee. Hendershott was formerly district supervisor for EGLE's Grand Rapids district office where she spent five years heading up the office's remediation and redevelopment division. Hendershott has more than 29 years of project management experience for complex Part 213 and Part 201 state funded remediation projects and has overseen multiple private party cleanup efforts.

Hendershott also has extensive experience in vapor intrusion, serving as team leader for the proposed Part 201 cleanup criteria rules, team leader for the vapor intrusion technical and program support team, and as the primary contact for vapor intrusion investigations handled by the Grand Rapids district office.

2020 Volatilization to Indoor Air Pathway Screening Levels (recorded 4/29/2021, 81 min) - Recording temporarily unavailable
In September 2020, the EGLE replaced the rescinded Appendix D.1 of the 2013 Guidance Document for the Vapor Intrusion Pathway - Volatilization to Indoor Air Pathway (VIAP) Screening Levels with Residential and Nonresidential VIAP Screening Level Tables. The VIAP screening levels are provided as a voluntary tool that may be used to determine that site conditions do not present a risk and allow a quick regulatory closure or that site conditions warrant a more site-specific evaluation, at common residential and nonresidential sites. This webinar will cover the purpose behind the VIAP screening levels, the basic exposure assumptions used in their development, what documentation is needed for their voluntary use, and their use.

Presenters: Shane Morrison, PhD; Erica Bays; and Melissa Yuvan, EGLE Remediation and Redevelopment Division

Contracting for Remediation Projects: The Michigan Experience (recorded 3/25/2021, 61 min) - Recording temporarily unavailable
Please join us for a webinar exploring state of Michigan contracts utilized for environmental remediation projects. This one-hour webinar will explore the history of state contracts for professional services; the indefinite-scope, indefinite-delivery (ISID) contracts; the ISID solicitation and selection processes; and case studies. Participants can expect to learn a brief history of contracting for professionals services at the state of Michigan; an overview of contracts currently used for environmental investigation, study, design, construction oversight, underground storage tank removal, and laboratory professional services; and case studies focused on contracting. Additional information will include a brief overview of the SIGMA Vendor Self Service (VSS) website.

Presenters: Sadi Rayyan, P.E., is a licensed professional engineer and a project director with the Michigan Department of Technology, Management, and Budget (DTMB) - Design and Construction Division. Mr. Rayyan has been involved in planning and managing contracts for various programs and state projects at DTMB since 1997.

Kristi Zakrzewski, P.E., is a licensed professional engineer and project director with DTMB's Design and Construction Division.  She specializes in contracting, design, and construction of remedial strategies for sites regulated under Part 201 Environmental Remediation of NREPA and CERCLA.

Bridget Walsh, P.E., is a licensed professional engineer with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy's (EGLE'S) Remediation and Redevelopment Division (RRD) and serves as RRD's contract administrator.

Nick Swiger, P.E., CPG, is an Environmental Engineering Specialist working for EGLE RRD out of the Cadillac District Office.  He has been working on site investigations, remediation, and contracting for over 19 years and currently administers the State-Wide Expanded Triage contract and the Design-Build Soil and Underground Storage Tank removal contact.

PFAS Hot Topics (recorded 2/25/2021, 61 min) - Recording temporarily unavailable

Part 1: PFAS Sampling: Results of a Cross-Contamination Study

Can per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) be transferred from common products used during sampling?  There is the potential for PFAS to be present in many products that are routinely used in the environmental field. This presentation will show the results of a study performed investigating the potential for cross-contamination from a number of commonly used products.  Knowing the types of PFAS that may leach off of a particular sampling material may also be helpful in the forensic evaluation of sample data.  Analytical results will be presented along with experimental observations and recommendations.

Part 2: Effects of Variable Analytical Parameter Suites on the Identification of PFAS Sources

Evaluation of the relative composition of individual PFAS compounds in surface water and groundwater samples can be an effective method to identify the source(s) of PFAS in these media.  The list of PFAS compounds that laboratories are able to detect and the list of analytes required by various regulatory agencies continues to expand.  As a result, the number of compounds that can be used to "fingerprint" samples is variable with time and with location.  Attendees will learn about the efficacy and limitations of using PFAS analytes as fingerprints for source identification and delineation.
Presenter: Elizabeth Denly serves as TRC's PFAS Group Program Director and is also the Quality Assurance & Chemistry Director responsible for development of quality assurance project plans, evaluation of PFAS analytical data, and creation of PFAS-specific SOPs for field sampling.

Conceptual Site Models 101 (recorded 1/27/2021, 60 min) - Recording temporarily unavailable
Conceptual site models (CSMs) are a written or pictorial representation of an environmental system and the biological, physical, and chemical processes that determine the transport of contaminants from sources through the environmental media to environmental receptors within the system. Learn what this means from a regulator's perspective and how CSMs play a role in the review of compliance submittals. The webinar will review CSM basics, as well as information and tools that may be available for CSM construction. Every contaminated site has a story to tell, so know your audience and write a great script.
Presenter:  Aaron Assmann is an Environmental Quality Analyst for the Remediation and Redevelopment Division in the Grand Rapids Office managing Part 201, 213, State Funded and Brownfield Sites/Facilities. Aaron attended Alma College (BS) and the University of Michigan (MS). Before joining EGLE in 2017, Aaron worked in the Alaskan oilfields as an Environmental Advisor.