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Guide to Electronic Submittals in RIDE


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The RIDE application allows the regulated community to submit Part 201 and Part 213 documents electronically. To submit through RIDE, users must register for a MiLogin for Business account, and then request the RIDE application. For instructions on becoming a RIDE registered user, see the Become a RIDE User guidance page.

Many reports provided through RIDE require both primary certification (usually a consultant) and secondary certification (the regulated entity). Certifications act as the electronic signatures for submittals using RIDE.  A list of submittals that require secondary certification is available on the Forms available via RIDE page. For more information, please see our secondary certification guidance page.

Step 1: Navigate to the Location Submittals

  1. Navigate to the RIDE application and click the “Inventory of Facilities” button.

  2. Search the Inventory of Facilities table for a location by typing known information into the pertinent field.


c.  You can also sort or search the Inventory of Facility table using multiple parameters by using the Display drop down menu and selecting the searchable items or combination of searchable items you wish to display in the view.


d.  All Part 213 locations will be on the Inventory of Facilities. If you are unable to find the Part 213 location you are submitting for, please do not use the ‘Not Found’ button. Contact the EGLE project manager or the district supervisor for assistance. For a Part 201 location submittal that cannot be found on the inventory of Facilities, use the Location Not Found feature of RIDE.


e.  When the facility is found, open the facility details using the ellipsis on the right side of the location line. Then, use the arrow to open the Location Submittal information. Find the submittal type you are looking to submit and use the plus sign on the right to open the submittal wizard.

Step 2: Enter the Site Information

a. For a Part 213 submittal, the required fields will include selecting pertinent Confirmed Release Number or combination of Confirmed Release Numbers, and Permission given for EGLE to contact the Qualified Consultant.


b. For a Part 201 submittal, enter in the Status of Submitter Relative to the Property (Check all that apply) and the Property Tax ID numbers.


c. Click Next.

Step 3: Enter the Submittal Information

In the Submittal Information section, enter in all required fields. The required fields contain the same information found on the EQP cover sheet for the given submittal. The form is filled in using a combination of drop-down boxes and fill-in boxes. Each submittal type is different.

Step 4: Add Attachment

Upload the report as a single pdf., or as volumes. There is a single file size limit of 150-megabytes. The total of all attachments (i.e., volumes) cannot exceed 1,000MB. Note that the pdf. versions of the corresponding EQP Form should NOT be included as part of the attachment; these are replaced by the electronic submittal process in RIDE.

Step 5: Add the Organization/Company

a.  Search for the regulated entity of the facility. The organization/company should not be the consultant company/organization.

b.  Click Next.

c.  Once you have selected the organization, select the appropriate address.

Note: If you are unable to find an Organization/Company in RIDE, it can be added by clicking the '+ Add New' button, completing the required fields, and then selecting 'Submit'. 

Step 6: Enter in the Contact Information

In the Contacts section, add the Facility Contact (Owner/Operator) by clicking on the plus sign on the right side of the Contacts line. Once all required fields are input, click Next.


Note: If a Facility Contact is already in the RIDE system, use the dropdown menu to select the contact. If the Facility Contact information needs to be entered, use the “Add New” button to input the contact information. Please do not enter an end date for the Facility Contact.

Step 7: Submitter Authorization

Enter the primary certifier information. Select the applicable Role from the drop-down menu and select “I Certify” to certify the submittal. Fill out all fields marked with an asterisk.

Step 8: Review all information for accuracy, click Submit & Exit

After clicking Submit & Exit, a warning message will appear for submittals that require secondary certification from the regulated entity (e.g., Owner/Operator/Liable Party).

Note: If a regulated entity elects not to create a MILogin/RIDE account, a scanned copy of Form EQP4032 (completed and signed by the regulated entity) should have been placed as the first page of the attachment of the submittal. Immediately after clicking Submit & Exit, the Primary Certifier should also perform the secondary certification step on behalf of their client. The report will not be considered administratively complete or reviewed by the RIDE Administrative team until secondary certification is completed." 

Learn about additional RIDE actions Video

Learn about additional RIDE actions

This is a recording of a training webinar hosted on April 24, 2024.

The video covers the ability to submit Part 201 reports via RIDE in addition to Part 213 reports. The webinar also goes over how to access electronic documents, creating a RIDE user account, secondary certification, and the process of electronic submittals and ‘location not found’ submittals.