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Guide to Location Not Found Submittals in RIDE


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If you are unable to find an existing location in the Inventory of Facilities, follow the steps below to use the “Location Not Found” feature of RIDE. This feature will primarily be used for the submittal of Baseline Environmental Assessments (BEAs) but could be used for other Part 201 submittals as well.

Step 1: Search for the submittal location in RIDE.

a. Prior to your search, the "Not Found" button will be grayed out.


b. Once a search for the submittal location is performed and is not in the RIDE system, the "Not Found" button will light up. Click the "Not Found" button. 

Step 2: Enter the Submittal Information

a. Choose the Submittal Type from the drop-down menu.


b. Enter in the Status of Submitter Relative to the Property and the Property Tax ID number(s).


c. Search to see if an existing, matching address is in the RIDE system. If not, enter the submittal address by clicking the “Add New” button, enter in all required fields, press Submit.

Step 3: Add Attachments

Upload the report as a single pdf., or as volumes. There is a single file size limit of 150-megabytes. The total of all attachments (i.e., volumes) cannot exceed 1,000MB. Note that the pdf. versions of the corresponding EQP Form should NOT be included as part of the attachment; these are replaced by the electronic submittal process in RIDE.

Step 4: Add the Organization/Company

a.  Search for the regulated entity of the facility. The organization/company should not be the consultant company/organization.


b.  Click Next.


c.  Once you have selected the organization, select the appropriate address. 

Note: If you are unable to find an Organization/Company in RIDE, it can be added by clicking the '+ Add New' button, completing the required fields, and then selecting 'Submit'.        

Step 5: Enter the Contact Information

In the Contacts section, add the Facility Contact (Owner/Operator) by clicking on the plus sign on the right side of the Contacts line. Once all required fields are input, click Next.  

Note: If a Facility Contact is already in the RIDE system, use the dropdown menu to select the contact. If the Facility Contact information needs to be entered, use the “Add New” button to input the contact information. Please do not enter an end date for the Facility Contact.

Step 6: Final Submittal and Certification Process

a.  Enter the primary certifier information. Select the applicable Role from the drop-down menu and select “I Certify” to certify the submittal. Fill out all fields marked with an asterisk.


b.  After clicking Submit & Exit, a warning message will appear for submittals that require secondary certification from the regulated entity (e.g., Owner/Operator/Liable Party), however, the submittal will not be ready for secondary certification until the RIDE administrative team receives the submittal, verifies that the location does not already exist in the RIDE system, creates a new Facility, and moves the submittal to the newly created Facility.


c.  Upon initial submittal, the Primary Certifier will receive an email with the temporary submittal ID number and other submittal information.


d.  Once the RIDE Administrative Team assigns the submittal to a Facility, the primary certifier will receive an email that the submittal is ready for secondary certification by the regulated entity. The new Facility ID and Submittal ID will also be included in the email.


e.  At this point, the regulated entity must do the secondary certification step for the submittal to be accepted by RRD. If the Primary Certifier included a completed copy of EQP4032 as part of the attachment, then the Primary Certifier can perform the Secondary Certification step on the regulated entity’s behalf.


f.  Once the submittal is secondary certified, both the primary and secondary certifiers will receive an email that the submittal has been received by EGLE-RRD.