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Air Quality Division

Air Quality

Air Quality Division

The Air Quality Division (AQD) supports efforts to maintain clean air and minimize adverse impacts on public health and the environment. Staff work to reduce existing outdoor air pollution and prevent the worsening of air quality through our programs which evaluate, measure, permit, monitor, regulate, and inspect sources of air emission.  AQD staff strive to serve our diverse stakeholders through outreach, communication, and continuous improvement. Read more about our work in the 2023 Air Quality Division Year in Review.

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Air Quality Index Meter

Air Quality: Get Alerts and Learn More

Sign up for air quality alerts, find real-time air quality information, and learn more about your air quality.

a dust cloud

Asbestos NESHAP

Rule Information, Asbestos Notification System, Notification of Intent to Renovate / Demolish Form, etc.

a pen lays on a paper showing a bar graph

Attainment / State Implementation Plan

Information on pollutants with National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), State Implementation Plans (SIPs), and related programs.

A group of people placing their hands together in a circle as to say, "Go team!"


Facility compliance information for the public and resources for the regulated community.

dry cleaned clothing hanging on a conveyor belt

Dry Cleaning

Establishment Lists, Rules, Permit to Install and Other Forms, etc.

a facility stack with an exterior ladder going up to a platform about half way up

Emission Measurement

Source Emission Testing and Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)

smoke stacks emitting plumes

Emissions Reporting

MiEnviro Portal for Air, Air Fees, etc.

An African-American judge signs a piece of paper at at wooden surface, with a gavel laying nearby


The program uses enforcement actions to bring facilities into compliance with State and Federal Air Pollution regulations.

a gavel hitting a wooden pedestal

Laws and Rules

The Air Pollution Control Rules have been adopted pursuant to Part 55, Air Pollution Control, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended (Act 451).

Preview of the MiEnviro Portal application; Michigan's Upper Peninsula is covered in purple circles with numbers in them.

MiEnviro Portal for Air

The Air Quality Division is modernizing how information for air quality related programs is handled. This will be done with a new electronic notification, permitting, emissions reporting, and compliance software product called MiEnviro Portal (scroll down to "MiEnviro Portal for Air").

the weather as seen from a satellite above the earth

Modeling and Meteorology

Dispersion Modeling; Associations to NAAQS, State Implementation Plan, Permits, etc.

Ozone monitoring station in Kalamazoo


Monitoring Reports, Air Quality Reviews, etc.

close up of hands writing on documents at desk


Permits to Install, Renewable Operating Permits, Acid Rain, etc.

an artist's rendition of a chemical compound


Screening Level Justifications, Screen Level Query, etc.

Meet Director Annette Switzer

Annette Switzer led AQD's Permit Section for seven years prior to being named director in 2023. She also was heavily involved in an air permit lean process improvement that streamlined air permitting in Michigan. Annette began her civil service career as an air permit engineer where she used her education to work on the most complicated air permit applications.

Annette Switzer's Biography