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Engage with EGLE

Some of EGLE's Outreach staff sit at a table with audio/visual equipment, smiling at the camera
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Engage with EGLE

Welcome to the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s Public Participation and Community Engagement page! 

Community involvement and public participation are an essential part of EGLE’s mission, vision, and values. We welcome all Michiganders to engage with EGLE programs, staff, and processes – and value your contributions to protecting Michigan’s public health, air, water, land, and energy resources. 

This page is designed for Michiganders to: 

  1. Learn about public participation opportunities around critical environmental topics in Michigan.  
  2. Understand different types of regulatory actions and how to get involved. 
  3. Engage with EGLE through partnerships and collaboration. 

Environmental Assistance Center

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EGLE sought input on updated draft Public Participation Policy and draft Language Access Plan. Comments were due by April 1st, 2024.

Increasing and enhancing meaningful public participation in the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) actions is a key priority for the agency, and we want to hear from Michiganders about an updated policy that will help do that. Public comment was accepted through April 1, 2024 on EGLE’s draft updated Public Participation Policy and Language Access Plan. The agency’s revisions to the policy and plan are concrete steps to increase transparency, accessibility, and ongoing improvement around public participation at EGLE.

Learn more

Additional Resources

Tree with Scales

Office of the Environmental Justice Public Advocate

The Office works collaboratively across state government to advance Environmental Justice and equity in Michigan, as well as addressing Environmental Justice concerns and complaints.

EGLE Classroom

EGLE Classroom

Here you can learn more about the work that EGLE does to protect Michigan’s air, land, water, and public health.