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FEMA Procurement Disaster Assistance Team (PDAT) Field Manual General Comprehensive guide to 2 CFR 200 procurement requirements
FEMA Contract Provisions Guide General Comprehensive guide to the Contract Provisions that are required by 2 CFR 200 and FEMA
Six Steps Required When Contracting with Socio-Economic Businesses Form Socio-Economic Procurement Required for all procurement (except micro purchases), you must include socio-economic business entities in your solicitation by following the six steps outlined in 2 CFR 200.321 (b). Use this form to document your compliance; keep in your procurement file.
SBA Search Tool Quick Reference Guide Socio-Economic Procurement Resource to assist in locating socio-economic businesses.
Socio-Economic Business Definitions Socio-Economic Procurement Definition of the four types of business entities that constitute a socio-economic businesses.
Instructions for Checking for Excluded & Debarred Contractors Debarrment and Exclusion
FEMA Award: Under Exigent or Emergency Circumstances Exigency and Emergency Comprehensive explanation of the procurement rules when exigent or emergency conditions exist, including a definition of exigent and emergency, and the Suggested Elements for Noncompetitive Procurement Justification (which is required). The Noncompetitive Procurement Justification Form - Fillable may be used to capture the justification elements (see the next document).
Noncompetitive Procurement Justification Form - Fillable Exigency and Emergency To be used to document your justification for noncompetitive (sole source) procurement during times of exigent or emergency situations. Must be completed and kept with your procurement files when purchasing in this situation.
Davis-Bacon and Related Acts Fact Sheet Construction General information concerning Davis-Bacon and related acts.
Instructions for Creating the Wage Determination Document for Contracts Construction When the Davis-Bacon Act applies, a Wage Determination document listing the prevailing wage for the area must be supplied to potential contractors. This document provides detailed instructions for preparing the Wage Determination document.
Prohibitions on Expending FEMA Award Funds for Covered Telecommunications Equipment or Services Telecommunications In 2018 Congress enacted legislation that prohibits expending federal funds on certain telecommunications equipment and services. This document explains the law and what you are required to do.
FEMA Award: Common Mistakes to Avoid by Non-State Entities General Important information from FEMA on how to avoid the ten most frequent mistakes found by the Office of the Inspector General during federal audits.
Revisions to the procurement requirements found in 2 CFR 200.317-200.327. General 2 CFR 200 was revised, effective November 12, 2020. This document discusses those changes and additions.
Fact Sheet - Purchasing Under FEMA Award: Managing Fraud Risks Fraud This Fact Sheet is intended to inform grant subrecipients on common findings of procurement fraud, subrecipient responsibilities, and how fraud and suspicious activities can be reported.
Construction Manager At Risk (CMAR) Contracting Construction This fact sheet provides guidance on using the Construction Manager at Risk contracting when completing construction projects under FEMA awards.
Purchasing Under a FEMA Award: Using the GSA Schedule General Goods and services may be purchased from the Multiple Award Schedule by non-federal entities. These guidelines should be reviewed before FEMA Awards are used for a purchase.
Purchasing Under a FEMA Award: Prepare Before a Disaster General FEMA award recipients and subrecipients can take actions before a disaster occurs. This sheet reviews the rules that should be adhered to when a non-federal entity signs pre-disaster contracts.
Purchasing Under a FEMA Award: Informal Methods of Procurement by Non-State Entities General This fact sheet provides details on the informal methods of procurement allowed for FEMA awards by non-state entities. The focus is on micro-purchases and small purchases.