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Private/Public Partnership (P3) Program


The Michigan State Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division (MSP/EMHSD) is expanding our Public/Private Partnership (P3) program. We’re building new and strengthening already existing relationships with organizations around the country, but especially Michigan based entities. We have been in contact with both small and large organizations to continue to grow our resource list of P3s.

Our list of P3s is organized by FEMA’s seven community lifeline categories, which demonstrates essential areas of response and coordination during a disaster. The lifeline categories include Food, Water, and Sheltering; Energy; Health and Medical; Public Safety and Security; Hazardous Materials; Communications; and Transportation. Although we may reach out to our P3s for assistance while active in disaster, we envision these relationships to be continuous, dynamic, and mutually beneficial during all phases of emergency management, including before, during, and after disasters. The Michigan State Police, Emergency Management Homeland Security Training Center (MSP/EMHSTC) offers year-round Incident Command System (ICS) course training, and our District Coordinators, who are located throughout the state, can offer Web EOC training as well.

Information sharing is our main goal in working with our P3s. We will distribute the MSP/EMHSD newsletter along with email notifications, which will include information such as new organizations added to the resource list, severe weather alerts, and summaries of disasters/emergencies, particularly when any P3s are partnered with in response and recovery efforts.

A strong aspect of our P3 program includes partnerships with several organizations in the energy sector. Hosting Local Energy Assurance Planning (LEAP) workshops throughout the state has allowed us to build and expand upon those already existing relationships. The workshops were held to develop regional and local energy assurance plans. Partnerships with energy suppliers were enhanced by regular attendance and offers to support the project with facilities and technical support.

To assist us in continuing to grow and expand our P3 program, please share any of your private partner contact information with F/Lt. Gabe Covey at or Brenna Roos at