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Online Tools

National Risk Index 

The National Risk Index  is an online tool to help illustrate the United States communities who are most at risk/vulnerable to a select pool of common natural hazards.  Each county’s ranking is shown as compared against data based on all other counties in the United States.  

Michigan National Risk Index Map
Michigan National Risk Index Map

National Risk Index Map - Michigan

Use the interactive National Risk Index map to visually explore natural hazard risk data across the state of Michigan. 

Resilience Analysis and Planning Tool (RAPT)

The Resilience Analysis and Planning Tool is a free geographic information systems (GIS) tool that helps emergency managers and community partners to better visualize potential challenges to community resilience.  Please note, the tool may take longer times to fully load into your browser.  It can be used to analyze population and community data (community resilience indicators), infrastructure locations, historic disaster locations, and estimated annualized frequency of hazard risk.

OnTheMap (Emergency Management)

The United States Census Bureau’s tool, OnTheMap, includes a specific Emergency Management map with demographic information related to federal emergency and disaster declarations. Select hazard events are also shown. The available base tool can be used to analyze more traditional census data.