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Preliminary Damage Assessment - Mid-Michigan Flooding


Public Assistance (PA)

Federal Disaster Assistance Programs Forms, Tools, and Fact Sheets Contact Information

Public Assistance (PA)

On May 27, 2020, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in conjunction with local and state officials, will begin the virtual joint preliminary damage assessment (PDA) process for flooding.  This will require an assessment of reported public infrastructure damage in the affected jurisdictions.  Because review of the local damage assessment will be conducted remotely, we want to provide guidance for what information should be captured.  The Michigan State Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division (MSP/EMHSD) hosted a webinar to kick off this process and explain the preliminary damage assessment requirements for FEMA’s Public Assistance Grant Program.  Here are the presentation slides:  Preliminary Damage Assessment Webinar Presentation Slides (PDF)

The DEADLINE for jurisdictions to submit Damage Inventory Summary forms, cost estimates, photos, and documentation in Google Drive is: 

June 5, 2020

Google Drive Instructions (PDF)
If you need assistance uploading into Google Docs, please contact Scott Stockert at (517) 512-9589 or Dan Metiva at (517) 897-3861.

Required Information:

By June 5, 2020, submit the following information:

  • Damage Inventory Summary Template (Excel) – List of damaged sites in order by priority and highest estimate, assigning each site a number and include that number in each supporting document in the file name
  • Detailed description of damages for each
  • Quotes for estimated eligible work to be completed
  • Bills, invoices, and receipts for eligible work completed
  • Photos for each damaged site or a representative sample of photos
  • Labor policy in effect at the time of the incident, if applicable
  • Maintenance records for each facility, if applicable
  • Insurance policies (deduct anticipated insurance proceeds), if applicable
  • Procurement policies and pertinent contracts and MOAs, if applicable

Federal Disaster Assistance Programs

Public Infrastructure and Services

Public Assistance, as provided under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, supplements the efforts and available resources of State and local government to restore, repair, or replace damaged public and certain private, non-profit facilities or services.  Public Assistance includes emergency work (emergency protective measures and debris removal) and permanent work, such as permanent repair, restoration, or replacement of damaged facilities.

Homeowners and Individuals

Individual Assistance provides financial assistance and direct services to eligible individuals and households who have uninsured or underinsured necessary expenses and serious needs. This may include assistance for temporary housing and housing repairs, critical disaster-related expenses, and the replacement of essential personal property.

Notice to Homeowners:

Federal assistance is not currently available to homeowners affected by the recent dam breach and flooding event.  The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in conjunction with local and state officials, are in the process of conducting virtual joint preliminary damage assessment (PDA) for flooding in the mid-Michigan counties of Midland, Gladwin, Saginaw, Arenac, and Iosco.   

For those that sustained damage to their primary residences during the recent dam breach and flooding event, you’re encouraged to report damage using our citizen self-reporting survey:

Visit this website for updates on future opportunities to apply for federal assistance.

If you have immediate needs related to the flooding that you are unable to meet on your own, please call 211 to request assistance.

Forms, Tools, and Fact Sheets


For additional information or questions regarding Public Assistance, please contact:
Tiffany Vedder, State Public Assistance Officer or 517-599-5333

Marisela Shellenbarger, Deputy Public Assistance Officer or 517-512-9676

Sara MacRae, State Individual Assistance Officer or 517-512-4143