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Michigan Hazmat Responder Conference

Michigan Hazmat Responder Conference April 22-24, 2025


Welcome to the Michigan Hazmat Responder Conference (MIHRC), an annual event put on by the Michigan State Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Training Center. This premier conference is designed for the first responders who are on the frontline of hazmat emergencies, those who support the response to hazmat events, and private industries that deal directly with hazmat.

The MIHRC brings in nationally recognized hazmat speakers, countless vendors with exceptional networking, and multiple hands-on training opportunities. No matter if you are a seasoned responder or new to hazmat, this conference is designed to equip you with knowledge and skills for all things hazmat. With an ever-changing world and the demand for highly trained hazmat professionals growing, don’t miss out on the engaging, informative, and contemporary training that this conference provides.

Vendor Registration and Sponsorships are now available!
Attendee registration is now open! Priority given to Michigan Hazardous Materials Response Team members through February 10.
Conference lodging rates at Boyne Mountain Resort are also available.

Silver Sponsors


ML Chartier


Bronze Sponsors


MHRC Sponsor - Youngs Environmental      Michigan Spill Response Logo


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This conference is an approved Q Course (Q05M) with the Michigan Fire Fighter's Training Council.  Submit a request to your county training committee for the conference registration.

Partial funding for this event is received from the United States Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grant