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Michigan School Safety Commission Minutes October 26 2022
The Michigan School Safety Commission meeting was held on Wednesday, October 26, 2022, at the Michigan State Police (MSP) Headquarters in Dimondale, Michigan.
The meeting was called to order at 2:03 p.m. by Lt. Col. Chris Kelenske.
Roll call was taken by Ms. Melissa Sultana.
The following commission members were present:
- Lt. Col. Chris Kelenske
- Chief Ken Plaga
- Mr. Brian Gard
- Ms. Elizabeth Newell
- Ms. Alicia Urbain
- Mr. Kyle Guerrant
The following representative was present:
- Ms. Chardae Burton, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, on behalf of Mr. David Knezek
The following MSP staff were present:
- Ms. Nancy Becker Bennett, Grants and Community Services Division (GCSD)
- Ms. Kimberly Root, GCSD, Office of School Safety (OSS)
- Ms. Mary Gager Drew, GCSD, OSS
- Mr. Jonathan Allen, GCSD, OSS
- Ms. Melissa Sultana, GCSD, OSS
The following guest was present:
- D/Lt. Scott Layman, MSP, Michigan Intelligence Operations Center
Approval of July 27, 2022, Meeting Minutes
Ms. Urbain motioned to approve the meeting minutes. The motion was supported by Chief Plaga and approved unanimously.
Approval of Agenda
Chief Plaga motioned to approve the meeting agenda. The motion was supported by Mr. Guerrant and approved unanimously.
Old Business
A. Incident Report – Ms. Becker Bennett
An overview of the fourth quarter report for fiscal year (FY) 2022 was given. Incidences were reported by 36 schools within 12 intermediate school districts. Reported incidents were down from the second quarter, which included 45 schools within 17 intermediate school districts. A majority of the reports were for illegal possession of controlled substances or alcohol and physical assault or other crimes involving physical violence.
Due to confidentially of the information included in the incident report, the report was not sent electronically to members. Members were asked to contact Ms. Becker Bennett directly with questions or to request specific information.
B. Office of School Safety Updates – Ms. Root
The OSS continues to work to implement the Final Recommendations of the School Safety Task Force. A Recommendations Status Summary report was provided to the commissioners. A quick overview was provided which included recommendation numbers four, five, and ten.
New Business
A. Personnel Update – Ms. Becker Bennett
A departmental analyst position is currently available in the OSS.
i. Reporting/Tips Update – D/Lieutenant Layman
A printout of OK2SAY tip totals was provided to commission members. The printout provided a snapshot of tip totals from 2014 through 2022, broken down by tip categories.
The OK2SAY tip line has received approximately 38,000 tips since 2014. Over the first nine months of 2022, 4,951 tips were received which was a 180 percent increase from the same time period in 2021. The top five OK2SAY tip categories for the period of July 2022 through September 2022 included bullying, suicide threats, other (e.g., anxiety, stress, depression, harassment), drugs, and threats.
A couple of success stories were provided. The OK2SAY team received a tip on a planned school mass shooting. The information was referred to the school and law enforcement. An investigation was conducted and resulted in the arrest of the student and parent. OK2SAY was publicly thanked in a press release from the prosecutor. Another tip received by the OK2SAY team concerned firearm drawings and photos posted on social media. The information was referred to the school resource officer. An investigation was conducted and resulted in the finding that the student posed a real threat and the threat was stopped. The school resource officer had attended a Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Training prior to receiving the tip.
ii. Program Update – Ms. Gager Drew
OK2SAY is contracting with seven additional presenters to provide in-person and virtual school safety presentations for students in grades 4-12 across the state.
OK2SAY staff have been involved in the following engagements and events: the National Student Safety Tip Line Conference; Teaching, Education, and Mentoring School, Girl Scout events, the Injury Prevention Symposium, the Michigan Association of Broadcasters, the Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools, and various Michigan High School Athletic Association events across the state.
Lt. Colonel Kelenske asked how OK2SAY can reach additional schools that may not be aware of the program. Ms. Gager Drew stated that promotional materials have been sent out to every school in the state, and outreach has been made to numerous statewide associations and the Michigan Department of Education on providing OK2SAY information. Expanding the team of presenters will increase exposure and meet the demands of the increasing number of presentations requested.
Mr. Guerrant asked if OK2SAY has a social media advertising market to promote to children. Ms. Gager Drew stated that there is a limited social media presence due to potential concerns tips might be submitted publicly on social media versus tips being submitted confidentially. Other states that utilize social media to market their hotline have experienced students inadvertently submitting tips online. Additionally, the office does not have the resources to monitor a social media platform 24/7.
C. Office of School Safety Update – Ms. Root
i. Michigan K-12 Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management (Mi-BTAM) Training
The OSS has scheduled behavioral threat assessment and management trainings at more than 25 locations throughout the state of Michigan. Training dates are available on the OSS website at Funding for this project was supported through two United States (U.S.) Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance grants and in partnership with SIGMA/Ontic and primary presenter Dr. Melissa Reeves, Ph.D., NCSP, LCMHC. School districts are encouraged to register their entire threat assessment teams. Three tiers of training will be offered throughout the state: basic, advanced, and train-the-trainer sessions.
ii. School Resource Officer Grant Program (SROGP)
The Michigan Legislature has provided a $25 million appropriation in FY 2023 for the SROGP. The grant application and guidance are available on the OSS website and the application deadline is November 17, 2022. A multi-disciplinary panel will assist with the award selection process on January 5, 2023.
iii. School Resource Officer Training Modules
The OSS continues to work in partnership with Michigan State University and Michigan Virtual University to develop online training for school resource officers. The series highlights the daily operations of schools and encourages school resource officers to build strong relationships with students and staff members. This will be an optional training for SROs.
iv. Legislative Update
Michigan House Bills 6319-6333 were introduced as a result of the House bi-partisan School Safety Task Force. There has been limited movement on these bills.
Ms. Urbain asked Ms. Root her thoughts on the three threat assessment models in Michigan House Bills 6319-6333 versus using one training model. Ms. Root stated that MSP is hosting the threat assessment trainings using the U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center model. Other models include the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines and the Salem-Keizer Threat Assessment System. The goal is to build capacity throughout the state and for schools to engage in the process with fidelity. Using any of the three models would be supported.
D. 2023 School Safety Commission Meeting Proposed Dates – Ms. Sultana
School Safety Commission meeting dates for 2023 were reviewed. Meetings will be held on January 25, April 26, July 26, and October 25, 2023. The time for all meetings will remain at 2 p.m.
Public Comment
No public comment.
Ms. Newell motioned to adjourn the meeting. The motion was supported by Mr. Guerrant. The motion was unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 3:06 p.m.