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Source Water Protection

Spurr River off M-28 in Baraga County
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Source Water Protection

Jason Berndt

This program assists local communities utilizing groundwater and surface water for their municipal drinking water supply systems in protecting their water source. A source water protection program minimizes the potential for contamination by identifying and protecting the area that contributes water to municipal water supply source.

A source water protection program also includes management strategies to reduce contamination risk, contingency and new source planning, and public education and outreach.

EGLE's source water protection program includes identification of areas where groundwater is used to supply drinking water to communities. 

Preview of the interactive dataset for the Wellhead Protection Areas of Michigan.
Preview of the interactive dataset for the Wellhead Protection Areas of Michigan.

Community Wellhead Protection Areas (WHPA)

A Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) is the surface and subsurface surrounding a water well or well field through which contaminants are reasonably likely to move toward and reach such water well or well field.

Source water protection grants

The federal government allows for set-asides from the Revolving Fund to support the Source Water Protection Grant Program to provide financial assistance for local source water protection programs. This program benefits public water systems which use groundwater or surface water as a source of their drinking water.

Learn more about grant opportunities