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Source Water Protection Grants

Aerial imagery of the White River in Whitehall
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Source Water Protection Grants

Jason Berndt

In 1996, amendments to the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act created the Drinking Water Revolving Fund. The federal government allows for set-asides from the Revolving Fund to support the source water protection grant program to provide financial assistance for local source water protection programs. This program benefits public water systems which use groundwater or surface water as a source of their drinking water. The Source Water Unit of the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy administers the grant program.

Any element of source water protection may be eligible for funding through this program. A comprehensive listing of activities eligible for funding is included in the Part 28 Source Water Protection Grant Assistance Administrative Rules, R 325.12801 to R 352.12820. Following is a sampling of activities for which your water supply could receive funding:

  • Wellhead delineation studies and watershed related activities
  • Abandoned well search and management programs
  • Development of educational materials
  • Passage of zoning language to protect groundwater or surface water sources
  • Emergency management training for spills in source water protection areas
  • Creation of partnership agreements between agencies and communities within the source water protection area

This program is based on matching funds, that is, for every dollar applied for, the local water supply must provide a matching dollar. Grant assistance is based on the number of people served by the water supply, and the number of wells a groundwater supply operates. Grant assistance for surface water systems is based on the source water susceptibility determination on their latest source water assessment. Applicants are ranked according to a points system, as outlined in the grant application.

Two people writing on paper with two laptops on a desk
Two people writing on paper with two laptops on a desk

How do I submit a grant application?

The source water protection grant application must be submitted electronically through the Michigan Environmental Health and Drinking Water Information System (MiEHDWIS). Sign up for an account today!