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Septage Violations Photo Gallery

septage ponding
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Septage Violations Photo Gallery

Septage dumping surface application

Dumping in Field

Dumping unscreened septage waste without the use of a spread plate. This is an example of nonuniform surface application of septage waste. The slope of the field above exceeded 6% and resulted in the septage running off the site and into an adjoining creek.

septage winter dumping

Winter Dumping

Septage being dumped into a wetland in winter.

septage winter dumping

Winter Dumping

A view from out in the wetland.

septage with plastics

Plastic Trash

Stationary septage dumping allows septage to move offsite, polluting lakes and streams or groundwater.

septage trail on road

Septage Trail on Road

Untreated septage "applied" to a public road from the pump truck as it exited the land application site. The discharge of untreated human waste on the roadway provides a pathway for direct human contact and disease transmission.

quail footprints in septage

Quail Tracks

Any creature that touches septage can transmit diseases to humans that later touch that creature.

septage ponding


Untreated sewage is the result of "dumping" septage - nonuniform application of septage waste. This is not agronomic and can result in runoff in addition to groundwater and soil contamination. This is a serious violation of Part 117, Septage Waste Servicers, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451.

injector unit septage

Injector Unit and Bedsprings

The injector unit has only 2 injector shanks. This makes it virtually impossible to meet the uniform, agronomic requirements found in Part 117. Further, the shanks on this unit are short and the trench cut is wide and shallow, resulting in ponding septage. Instead of coulters, bedsprings were used to close the trench furrow. This is a very poor practice and is not considered "injection" under the law.

injector unit septage

Injector Unit Shallow Trench

Note the width of the shallow trench cut with this unit.

shallow ponding septage

End Result

This is the end result. Shallow trenches with ponding and septage waste. When septage waste is properly land applied, either by surface application or injection, little to no ponding should occur. If ponding does occur, it is up to the licensed business to immediately stop and make adjustments to their equipment or land application methods to ensure compliance with both state and federal laws.