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Permit Application Instructions for Individual Test Wells
Contact: Permits and Bonding Unit, 517-284-6826
Part 625, Mineral Wells, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended
Application requirements for a test well which penetrates bedrock and is either below the deepest freshwater stratum or is 250 feet or greater in depth.
Well Identification and Project Description
The following forms and documents constitute an administratively complete application
1. Describe in detail the purpose of the well and its anticipated life expectancy.
2. Notification: At the same time as submitting the permit application, mail via first-class United States mail, a copy of the first page of the permit application and cover letter to the township clerk and to the surface owner of record of the land on which the well is to be located.
3. Form EQP 7200-1, Application for Permit to Drill, Deepen, Operate, with an original signature from the applicant or the applicant's agent. See instructions on reverse of form.
4. EQP 7200-2, Survey Record of Well Location signed and sealed by a surveyor licensed in the state of Michigan which identifies:
A. A readily visible stake or marker must be set at the well location. If the well will be directionally drilled also identify the bottom hole location.
B. A flagged route or explanation of how the well location may be reached.
C. Footages of the surface location (and if directionally drilled, the bottom hole location) from the nearest property and section lines.
D. Identification of the existing local zoning designation of the surface location of the well.
E. The surveyor must include an attached plat that shows all of the following information relative to the approximate distances and directions from the stake or marker to special hazards or conditions, including all of the following:
i. Surface waters and other environmentally sensitive areas within 1,320 feet of the proposed well.
ii. Floodplains associated with surface waters within 1,320 feet of the proposed well.
iii. Wetlands, as identified by the provisions of Part 303 of the NREPA, within 1,320 feet of the proposed well.
iv. Natural rivers, as identified by the provisions of Part 305 of the NREPA, within 1,320 feet of the proposed well.
v. Threatened or endangered species, as identified by the provisions of Part 365 of the NREPA, within 1,320 feet of the proposed well.
vi. All buildings, recorded fresh water wells and reasonably identifiable fresh water wells utilized for human consumption, public roads, railroads, pipelines, power lines and other man-made objects that lie within 600 feet of the proposed well location.
vii. All public water supply wells identified as type I and IIa that lie within 2,000 feet of the proposed well location and type IIb and III that lie within 800 feet of the proposed well location, as defined in Act No. 399 of the Public Acts of 1976, as amended, being §325.1001 et seq. of the Michigan Compiled Laws.
5. Form EQP 7200-4, Wellhead Blowout Control System, if a Blowout Control System will be used.
6. Form EQP 7500-3, Environmental Impact Assessment for Mineral Wells and Surface Facilities
7. Form EQP 7200-18, Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan if earth changes of area greater than one acre or closer than 500 feet to surface water are planned.
8. Provide a conformance bond. For information regarding bonding options see the link to mineral well bonds or contact Jennifer Ferrigan at 517-290-6982.
Mineral Well bond amounts are as follow:
Individual test well from a depth of 0 to 1000 | $ 5,500.00 |
Individual test well from a depth of 1001 to 2000 feet | 11,000.00 |
Individual test well from a depth of 2001 to 4000 feet | 22,000.00 |
Individual test well from a depth of greater than 4000 feet | 33,000.00 |
Blanket bond for up to 50 individual test wells of any depth | 440,000.00 |
9. An Organization Report, form EQP 7200-13, if a current organization report is not on file with the supervisor.
10. The permit application fee as specified by statute for an individual test well is $500.00.
11. Description of the drilling program, including the drilling fluid and mud program, how the fluids will be handled, and ultimate disposition of the drilling fluids. Include a discussion of whether over pressured zones are anticipated and how the mud program will be modified to accommodate such a condition.
12. If casing will be cemented, describe the cementing program including the type, properties and compressive strength of cement to be used on each casing string.
13. Description of the proposed wireline logging program.
14. Description of the testing program, including pressure tests on casing strings, and any planned drill stem tests.
15. Description of any planned coring program.
16. Provide a proposed plugging procedure and plugging schedule.
Please collate the above documents into a set and mail the original and two copies of the application (total of 3 sets) plus 3 additional copies of form EQP 7200-1 to:
Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
Geologic Resources Management Division
P.O. Box 30256
Lansing, Michigan 48909