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Weekly Update and Class II UIC Permit Application Notices

Michigan law allows 50 days for making a permit decision on oil and gas well applications. Applications that are administratively complete are typically reviewed and finalized within 30 days from the date the application was received.

Should you wish to make comments on any permit application(s) it is suggested that they be provided within the first three weeks of the application filing date. Please include your contact information and reference the application number, well name and number, and applicant's name within your comment submittal.

Send email comments to the following address:

Weekly List for Oil and Gas Wells

Weekly Lists are published for oil and gas well drilling permits applied for, issued, and updated during a calendar week. This web page will be updated on the first working day of the week to provide a link to these lists combined into a single Adobe PDF file.

These lists are also emailed weekly from to an established distribution list.

To have your name added to this distribution list please subscribe.

Contact information

Kevin Carey, or 989-370-1257